12890 publications

  1. Bacillus thuringiensis Biotechnology
  2. Bacillus thuringiensis and Lysinibacillus sphaericus
  3. Back Pain
  4. Back Pain in the Young Child and Adolescent
  5. Back to Sociological Theory
  6. Back to Sociological Theory
  7. Back to the Future
  8. Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value
  9. Back to the University's Future
  10. Back to the ‘30s?
  11. Back-in-Time and Faster-than-Light Travel in General Relativity
  12. Backache: its Evolution and Conservative Treatment
  13. Backarc Basins
  14. Backbench Debate within the Conservative Party and its Influence on British Foreign Policy, 1948–57
  15. Backdoor Attacks against Learning-Based Algorithms
  16. Background Calibration of Time-Interleaved Data Converters
  17. Background Papers on Industry’s Changing Role in Health Care Delivery
  18. Background Processes in the Electrostatic Spectrometers of the KATRIN Experiment
  19. Background Subtraction
  20. Background and Future Prospects in Life Cycle Assessment
  21. Background to Migraine
  22. Background to Shakespeare
  23. Background to the Anzus Pact
  24. Backspin, Freeze und Powermoves
  25. Backstage Democracy
  26. Backstage Leadership
  27. Backtesting Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall
  28. Backup und Recovery in Datenbanksystemen
  29. Backward Areas in Advanced Countries
  30. Backward Fuzzy Rule Interpolation
  31. Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
  32. Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps and Their Actuarial and Financial Applications
  33. Bacteria and Cancer
  34. Bacteria and Complement
  35. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Ecosystems
  36. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Productivity
  37. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Disease Management
  38. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Plant Growth Responses
  39. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Plant Nutrient Management
  40. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Plant Probiotics
  41. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Stress Management
  42. Bacteria in Nature
  43. Bacteria in Nature
  44. Bacteria, Bacteriophages, and Fungi
  45. Bacteria, Complement and the Phagocytic Cell
  46. Bacteria-Metal Interactions
  47. Bacterial Activation of Type I Interferons
  48. Bacterial Adaptation to Co-resistance
  49. Bacterial Adherence
  50. Bacterial Adhesion
  51. Bacterial Adhesion
  52. Bacterial Adhesion to Cells and Tissues
  53. Bacterial Amyloids
  54. Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes
  55. Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes
  56. Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes
  57. Bacterial Biofilms
  58. Bacterial Capsules
  59. Bacterial Cell Surfaces
  60. Bacterial Cell Wall Homeostasis
  61. Bacterial Cell Walls and Membranes
  62. Bacterial Cellulose
  63. Bacterial Chemosensing
  64. Bacterial Chromatin
  65. Bacterial Chromatin
  66. Bacterial Chromatin
  67. Bacterial Chromatin
  68. Bacterial Circadian Programs
  69. Bacterial Communication in Foods
  70. Bacterial Conjugation
  71. Bacterial Control of Mosquitoes & Black Flies
  72. Bacterial Degradation of Organic and Inorganic Materials
  73. Bacterial Diarrheal Diseases
  74. Bacterial Diversity and Systematics
  75. Bacterial Diversity in Sustainable Agriculture
  76. Bacterial Endophytes for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management
  77. Bacterial Extracellular Vesicles
  78. Bacterial Fish Pathogens
  79. Bacterial Fish Pathogens
  80. Bacterial Fish Pathogens
  81. Bacterial Genetics in Natural Environments
  82. Bacterial Genomes
  83. Bacterial Genomes and Infectious Diseases
  84. Bacterial Growth and Form
  85. Bacterial Growth and Form
  86. Bacterial Growth and Lysis
  87. Bacterial Identification and Drug Susceptibility Patterns in Pregnant and Non Pregnant UTI Patients
  88. Bacterial Infection: Close Encounters at the Host Pathogen Interface
  89. Bacterial Infections
  90. Bacterial Infections and the Kidney
  91. Bacterial Infections of Humans
  92. Bacterial Infections of Humans
  93. Bacterial Infections of Humans
  94. Bacterial Infections of Humans
  95. Bacterial Invasion into Eukaryotic Cells
  96. Bacterial Invasiveness
  97. Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides
  98. Bacterial Membrane Vesicles
  99. Bacterial Membranes and the Respiratory Chain
  100. Bacterial Metabolism
  101. Bacterial Metabolism
  102. Bacterial Metabolites in Sustainable Agroecosystem
  103. Bacterial Molecular Networks
  104. Bacterial Multidrug Exporters
  105. Bacterial Organelles and Organelle-like Inclusions
  106. Bacterial Pangenomics
  107. Bacterial Pangenomics
  108. Bacterial Pathogenesis
  109. Bacterial Pathogenesis
  110. Bacterial Pathogenesis
  111. Bacterial Pathogenesis of Plants and Animals
  112. Bacterial Pathogens and Their Virulence Factors
  113. Bacterial Persistence
  114. Bacterial Persistence
  115. Bacterial Physiology
  116. Bacterial Polysaccharides
  117. Bacterial Protein Secretion Systems
  118. Bacterial Protein Toxins
  119. Bacterial Regulatory RNA
  120. Bacterial Regulatory RNA
  121. Bacterial Regulatory RNA
  122. Bacterial Secretion Systems
  123. Bacterial Sensors
  124. Bacterial Signal Transduction: Networks and Drug Targets
  125. Bacterial Therapy of Cancer
  126. Bacterial Toxins: Methods and Protocols
  127. Bacterial Transcriptional Control
  128. Bacterial Type III Protein Secretion Systems
  129. Bacterial Vaccines
  130. Bacterial Virulence
  131. Bacterial Virulence
  132. Bacterial Virulence Factors and Rho GTPases
  133. Bacterial Volatile Compounds as Mediators of Airborne Interactions
  134. Bacterial Wilt Disease
  135. Bacterial and Archaeal Motility
  136. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics
  137. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics
  138. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics
  139. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics
  140. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics
  141. Bacterial, Phage and Molecular Genetics
  142. Bacteriocins
  143. Bacteriocins
  144. Bacteriocins of Lactic Acid Bacteria
  145. Bacteriocins, Microcins and Lantibiotics
  146. Bacteriophage Applications - Historical Perspective and Future Potential
  147. Bacteriophage Therapy
  148. Bacteriophage Therapy
  149. Bacteriophages
  150. Bacteriophages
  151. Bacteriophages
  152. Bacteriophages
  153. Bacteriophages
  154. Bacteriophages
  155. Bacteriophages
  156. Bacteriophages
  157. Bacteriophages as Drivers of Evolution
  158. Bacteriophages: Practical Applications for Nature's Biocontrol
  159. Baculovirus
  160. Baculovirus Expression Protocols
  161. Baculovirus and Insect Cell Expression Protocols
  162. Baculovirus and Insect Cell Expression Protocols
  163. Bad Apples
  164. Bad Breaks in Real GDP and Employment
  165. Bad Girls and Transgressive Women in Popular Television, Fiction, and Film
  166. Bad Girls of Japan
  167. Bad Gleichenberg seine Heilquellen und Kuren
  168. Bad Governance and Corruption
  169. Bad History and the Logics of Blockbuster Cinema
  170. Bad Hofgastein
  171. Bad Hofgastein
  172. Bad Ol’ Boy
  173. Bad Presidents
  174. Bad Programming Practices 101
  175. Bad to the Bone
  176. Bad to the Bone
  177. Bad-Bank-Konzepte zur Bewältigung von Finanzkrisen
  178. Badiou and American Modernist Poetics
  179. Baer ∗-Rings
  180. Bahnbau
  181. Bahnbau
  182. Bahnbau
  183. Bahnbau
  184. Bahnbau
  185. Bahnbau
  186. Bahnbau
  187. Bahnbau und Bahninfrastruktur
  188. Bahnbau und Bahninfrastruktur
  189. Bahnbau und Bahninfrastruktur
  190. Bahnbestimmung der Planeten und Kometen
  191. Bahnbestimmung von Erdsatelliten aus Doppler-Effekt-Messungen
  192. Bahnführung Eines Industrieroboters mit Multiprozessorsystem
  193. Bahnhofsbilder
  194. Bahnhofsverzeichnis zum Achsdruckverzeichnis
  195. Bahnhöfe und Fahrdynamik der Zugbildung
  196. Bahnlöten von Blechgehäusen mit Industrierobotern
  197. Bahnregelung zur Bahnerzeugung an numerisch gesteuerten Werkzeugmaschinen
  198. Bahnverhalten und Regelung fahrerloser Transportsysteme ohne Spurbindung
  199. Bahrain from the Twentieth Century to the Arab Spring
  200. Bait and Switch