22500 publications

  1. CASE
  3. CASE in der Praxis
  4. CASL User Manual
  5. CAST Methods in Modelling
  6. CAT(0) Cube Complexes
  7. CATBox
  8. CATIA V5 - Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  9. CATIA V5 - kurz und bündig
  10. CATIA V5 – Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  11. CATIA V5 – Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  12. CATIA V5 – Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  13. CATIA V5 – kurz und bündig
  14. CATIA V5 — Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  15. CATIA V5 — Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  16. CATIA V5 — Grundkurs für Maschinenbauer
  17. CATIA V5 — kurz und bündig
  18. CATIA V5 — kurz und bündig
  19. CATIA V5 — kurz und bündig
  20. CATIA V5-Praktikum
  21. CATIA V5-Praktikum
  22. CAx für Ingenieure
  23. CAx für Ingenieure
  24. CBRNE: Challenges in the 21st Century
  25. CBT Case Formulation as Therapeutic Process
  26. CBT for College Students with ADHD
  27. CBT für College-Studenten mit ADHD
  28. CCD Astrophotography: High Quality Imaging from the Suburbs
  29. CCD Image Sensors in Deep-Ultraviolet
  30. CCE: An Integration Platform for Distributed Manufacturing Applications
  31. CCKS 2021 - Evaluation Track
  32. CCKS 2022 - Evaluation Track
  33. CCN Proteins
  34. CCN Proteins
  35. CCN Proteins in Health and Disease
  36. CD137 Pathway: Immunology and Diseases
  37. CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells: Origin, Function and Therapeutic Potential
  38. CD95
  39. CDMA Radio with Repeaters
  40. CDMA Techniques for Third Generation Mobile Systems
  41. CDOs in the Public Sector
  42. CE in Biotechnology: Practical Applications for Protein and Peptide Analyses
  43. CEFR-informed Learning, Teaching and Assessment
  44. CEMAF as a Census Method
  45. CENAS
  47. CEO School
  48. CEO Succession, Leadership, and (Dis)similarity
  49. CEO-Reputation für KMU
  50. CEOs and White-Collar Crime
  51. CEOs as Leaders and Strategy Designers
  52. CESAR - Cost-efficient Methods and Processes for Safety-relevant Embedded Systems
  53. CETA's Investment Chapter
  54. CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing 2016
  55. CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing 2018
  56. CFD Techniques and Energy Applications
  57. CFD Techniques and Thermo-Mechanics Applications
  58. CFD for Wind and Tidal Offshore Turbines
  59. CFD-Modellierung
  60. CFK-Bearbeitung
  61. CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures - Volume 2
  62. CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures Vol. 1
  63. CFO Techniques
  64. CFTR and Cystic Fibrosis
  65. CG International ’90
  66. CGAL Arrangements and Their Applications
  67. CGE Models and Capital Income Tax Reforms
  68. CGI und CGM
  69. CGM and CGI
  70. CGM in the Real World
  71. CHILD-to-child
  72. CHIMBRIDS - Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research
  73. CHINA and the Catholic Church
  74. CHINAGEM—A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: Theory, Data and Applications
  75. CHIPS 2020 VOL. 2
  76. CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins Unleashed
  77. CICS
  78. CIGOS 2019, Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure
  79. CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure
  80. CIL Programming: Under the Hood™ of .NET
  81. CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  82. CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  83. CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  84. CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  85. CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  86. CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  87. CIM Integration und Vernetzung
  88. CIM Lexikon
  89. CIM für mittelständische Unternehmen
  90. CIM im Mittelstand
  91. CIM im Mittelstand
  92. CIM im Mittelstand
  93. CIM richtig einführen
  94. CIM und strategisches Management
  95. CIM-Aus und Weiterbildung
  96. CIM-Aus- und Weiterbildung: Entwicklung eines CIM-Lehr- und Lernsystems
  97. CIM-Basiswissen für die Betriebspraxis
  98. CIM-Handbuch
  99. CIM-Integrationsmodell
  100. CIM-Lehrbuch
  101. CIM-Planung und -Einführung
  102. CIM-Produktions-Leitsystem
  103. CIM-Rahmenplanung
  104. CIM-orientiertes Rechnungswesen
  105. CIM. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  106. CIMMIT 2000 Jahrbuch Immobilien
  107. CIMOSA: Open System Architecture for CIM
  108. CIMT - Constraint Induced Movement Therapy
  109. CIOs and the Digital Transformation
  110. CIOs at Work
  111. CIRP Design 2012
  112. CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering
  113. CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering
  114. CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering
  115. CIRP Novel Topics in Production Engineering: Volume 1
  116. CIS Energy and Minerals Development
  117. CISSP Exam Certification Companion
  118. CITY TRANSPORT in Developed and Developing Countries
  119. CKBS ’90
  120. CKW, FCKW und Lösungsmittel
  121. CLEAN
  122. CLU Reference Manual
  123. CMBEBIH 2017
  124. CMBEBIH 2019
  125. CMBEBIH 2021
  126. CMMI for Development
  127. CMM® Handbuch
  128. CMOS 60-GHz and E-band Power Amplifiers and Transmitters
  129. CMOS Active Inductors and Transformers
  130. CMOS Analog IC Design for 5G and Beyond
  131. CMOS Biotechnology
  132. CMOS Cantilever Sensor Systems
  133. CMOS Capacitive Sensors for Lab-on-Chip Applications
  134. CMOS Cascade Sigma-Delta Modulators for Sensors and Telecom
  135. CMOS Cellular Receiver Front-Ends
  136. CMOS Circuit Design for RF Sensors
  137. CMOS Circuits for Biological Sensing and Processing
  138. CMOS Circuits for Electromagnetic Vibration Transducers
  139. CMOS Circuits for Passive Wireless Microsystems
  140. CMOS Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters
  141. CMOS Continuous-Time Adaptive Equalizers for High-Speed Serial Links
  142. CMOS Current Amplifiers
  143. CMOS Current Amplifiers
  144. CMOS Current-Mode Circuits for Data Communications
  145. CMOS Data Converters for Communications
  146. CMOS Fractional-N Synthesizers
  147. CMOS Front Ends for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Systems
  148. CMOS High Efficiency On-chip Power Management
  149. CMOS Hotplate Chemical Microsensors
  150. CMOS IC Design for Wireless Medical and Health Care
  151. CMOS Imagers
  152. CMOS Indoor Light Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensing Applications
  153. CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters
  154. CMOS Integrated Capacitive DC-DC Converters
  155. CMOS Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Power Transfer
  156. CMOS Integrated Switching Power Converters
  157. CMOS Logic Circuit Design
  158. CMOS Multichannel Single-Chip Receivers for Multi-Gigabit Optical Data Communications
  159. CMOS PLL Synthesizers: Analysis and Design
  160. CMOS PLLs and VCOs for 4G Wireless
  161. CMOS Processors and Memories
  162. CMOS RF Circuit Design for Reliability and Variability
  163. CMOS Readout Chips for Implantable Multimodal Smart Biosensors
  164. CMOS Receiver Front-ends for Gigabit Short-Range Optical Communications
  165. CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-Scaled Technologies
  166. CMOS Single Chip Fast Frequency Hopping Synthesizers For Wireless Multi-Gigahertz Applications
  167. CMOS Telecom Data Converters
  168. CMOS Test and Evaluation
  169. CMOS VLSI Engineering
  170. CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design
  171. CMOS-Compatible Key Engineering Devices for High-Speed Silicon-Based Optical Interconnections
  172. CMR SH 1-2015
  173. CMR and MDCT in Cardiac Masses
  174. CMS Pixel Detector Upgrade and Top Quark Pole Mass Determination
  175. CNC Machining Technology
  176. CNC Machining Technology
  177. CNC Machining Technology
  178. CNC Part Programming Workbook
  179. CNC Programming for Machining
  180. CNC Setting and Operation Workbook
  181. CNC-Mehrspindel-Drehautomaten
  182. CNO Isotopes in Astrophysics
  183. CNS Cancer
  184. CNS Complications of Malignant Disease
  185. CNS Drug Development and Delivery
  186. CNS Infections
  187. CNS Infections
  188. CNS Metastases Neurosurgery in the Aged
  189. CNS Neuroprotection
  190. CO2 - Eine Herausforderung für die Menschheit
  191. CO2 Abatement and Economic Structural Change in the European Internal Market
  192. CO2 Capture by Reactive Absorption-Stripping
  193. CO2 Free Ammonia as an Energy Carrier
  194. CO2 Injection in the Network of Carbonate Fractures
  195. CO2 Laser Cutting
  196. CO2 Laser Cutting
  197. CO2 Laser Surgery
  198. CO2 Refrigeration Cycle and Systems
  199. CO2 Separation, Purification and Conversion to Chemicals and Fuels
  200. CO2 Sequestration, Biofuels and Depollution