24723 publications

  1. Disposition mit Arbeitsvorbereitung und Vertriebsvorbereitung in der einstufigen (Verkaufs-) Streichgarnspinnerei
  2. Disposition und Ausarbeitung in Bachs späten Clavier-Werken (1739–1749)
  3. Dispositional Reality
  4. Dispositionalism
  5. Dispositions
  6. Dispositions in Teacher Education
  7. Dispositionsparameter in der Produktionsplanung mit SAP
  8. Dispositionsparameter in der Produktionsplanung mit SAP®
  9. Dispositionsparameter von SAP R/3-PP®
  10. Dispositiv und Ökonomie
  11. Dispositiv und Ökonomie
  12. Dispositive des Lernens
  13. Disproportionality and Social Justice in Education
  14. Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Belt and Road Initiative
  15. Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and World
  16. Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion
  17. Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion
  18. Disputes Resolution in Urban Communities in Contemporary China
  19. Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
  20. Disraeli and Victorian Conservatism
  21. Disraeli’s Fiction
  22. Disrupt Science
  23. Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation
  24. Disrupting Buildings
  25. Disrupting Finance
  26. Disrupting Higher Education Curriculum
  27. Disrupting Logistics
  28. Disrupting Mobility
  29. Disrupting Pathways to Genocide
  30. Disrupting Racism in US Schools
  31. Disruption by Design
  32. Disruption durch digitale Plattform-Ökosysteme
  33. Disruption in der Event- und Messebranche
  34. Disruption in the Boardroom
  35. Disruption in the Infrastructure Sector
  36. Disruption of Protein-Protein Interfaces
  37. Disruption und Innovation im Produktmanagement
  38. Disruption und Transformation Management
  39. Disruption, Ideation and Innovation for Defence and Security
  40. Disruptive Analytics
  41. Disruptive Behavior Disorders
  42. Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Childhood
  43. Disruptive Business Imitation – Neun Beschleuniger zum kreativen Imitieren disruptiver Geschäftsmodelle
  44. Disruptive Cooperation in Digital Health
  45. Disruptive Environmental Communication
  46. Disruptive Feminisms: Raced, Gendered, and Classed Bodies in Film
  47. Disruptive Healthcare Provider Behavior
  48. Disruptive Information Technologies for a Smart Society
  49. Disruptive Innovation in a Digitally Connected Healthy World
  50. Disruptive Innovation through Digital Transformation
  51. Disruptive Innovation und Ambidextrie
  52. Disruptive Logic Architectures and Technologies
  53. Disruptive Procurement
  54. Disruptive Psychopharmacology
  55. Disruptive Technologien im Mittelstand
  56. Disruptive Technologies and Optimization Towards Industry 4.0 Logistics
  57. Disruptive Technologies and the Language Classroom
  58. Disruptive Technologies for Big Data and Cloud Applications
  59. Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security
  60. Disruptive Technologies in Media, Arts and Design
  61. Disruptive Technologies, Innovation and Development in Africa
  62. Disruptive Technologies: The Convergence of New Paradigms in Architecture
  63. Disruptive Technology Enhanced Learning
  64. Disruptive Technology and Business Continuity
  65. Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance
  66. Disruptive Technology, Legal Innovation, and the Future of Real Estate
  67. Disruptive Tourism and its Untidy Guests
  68. Disruptive Zeiten
  69. Disruptive and Game Changing Technologies in Modern Warfare
  70. Dissecting Discrimination
  71. Dissecting Regulatory Interactions of RNA and Protein
  72. Dissecting the Criminal Corpse
  73. Dissecting the Danchi
  74. Dissecting the Molecular Anatomy of Tissue
  75. Dissembling Disability in Early Modern English Drama
  76. Disseminating Behavioral Research
  77. Disseminating Security Updates at Internet Scale
  78. Dissemination of Cartographic Knowledge
  79. Dissemination of Information in Communication Networks
  80. Dissemination of Information in Optical Networks
  81. Disseminative Capabilities
  82. Dissension in the House of Commons
  83. Dissent and Marginality
  84. Dissent in the Years of Khrushchev
  85. Dissent, Revolution and Liberty Beyond Earth
  86. Dissenting Church
  87. Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades
  88. Dissertations on Anglo-Irish Drama
  89. Dissexualität im Lebenslängsschnitt
  90. Dissidents in Communist Central Europe
  91. Dissimilar Metal Joining
  92. Dissimulation and Deceit in Early Modern Europe
  93. Dissipation and Control in Microscopic Nonequilibrium Systems
  94. Dissipative Exciton Dynamics in Light-Harvesting Complexes
  95. Dissipative Optical Solitons
  96. Dissipative Ordered Fluids
  97. Dissipative Phenomena in Condensed Matter
  98. Dissipative Quantum Chaos and Decoherence
  99. Dissipative Solitons
  100. Dissipative Solitons in Reaction Diffusion Systems
  101. Dissipative Solitons: From Optics to Biology and Medicine
  102. Dissipative Structures and Chaos
  103. Dissipative Structures in Transport Processes and Combustion
  104. Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control
  105. Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control
  106. Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control
  107. Dissipative Systems in Quantum Optics
  108. Dissociation In Argumentative Discussions
  109. Dissociative Identity Disorder
  110. Dissociative Recombination
  111. Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions with Electrons
  112. Dissolved Air Flotation
  113. Dissolved Organic Matter in Lacustrine Ecosystems
  114. Dissonant Heritages and Memories in Contemporary Europe
  115. Dissoziation
  116. Dissoziative und Konversionsstörungen
  117. Dissoziierter Hirntod
  118. Distal Impact Ejecta Layers
  119. Distal Radius Fractures
  120. Distal Radius Fractures
  121. Distance Expanding Random Mappings, Thermodynamical Formalism, Gibbs Measures and Fractal Geometry
  122. Distance Geometry
  123. Distance Leadership
  124. Distance Leadership in International Corporations
  125. Distance Learning
  126. Distance Learning, E-Learning and Blended Learning in Mathematics Education
  127. Distance Measurements in Biological Systems by EPR
  128. Distance Relationships
  129. Distance Sampling: Methods and Applications
  130. Distance, Symmetry, and Topology in Carbon Nanomaterials
  131. Distance, Theatre, and the Public Voice, 1750–1850
  132. Distance-Regular Graphs
  133. Distances and Similarities in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
  134. Distant Connections: The Memory Basis of Creative Analogy
  135. Distant Hybridization of Crop Plants
  136. Distant Kinship
  137. Distant Kinship - Entfernte Verwandtschaft
  138. Distant Kinship – Entfernte Verwandtschaft
  139. Distant Wanderers
  140. Distant Worlds
  141. Distanzierte Nähe
  142. Distinction, Exclusivity and Whiteness
  143. Distinguished Figures in Descriptive Geometry and Its Applications for Mechanism Science
  144. Distinguished Figures in Mechanical Engineering in Spain and Ibero-America
  145. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
  146. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
  147. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
  148. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
  149. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
  150. Distinktion als Lebensform
  151. Distinktion und Deutungsmacht
  152. Distinktion — Macht — Landschaft
  153. Distorsion der Halswirbelsäule
  154. Distorsionen und Luxationen der kleinen Gelenke an Finger und Daumen
  155. Distorted Probabilities and Choice under Risk
  156. Distorted Time Preferences and Structural Change in the Energy Industry
  157. Distortion Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits
  158. Distortion Theorems in Relation to Linear Integral Operators
  159. Distracted Doctoring
  160. Distraction of the Craniofacial Skeleton
  161. Distressed Mergers & Acquisitions
  162. Distressed Mergers & Acquisitions
  163. Distributed .NET Programming in C#
  164. Distributed .NET Programming in VB .NET
  165. Distributed Algorithms
  166. Distributed Algorithms
  167. Distributed Algorithms
  168. Distributed Algorithms
  169. Distributed Algorithms
  170. Distributed Algorithms
  171. Distributed Algorithms
  172. Distributed Algorithms
  173. Distributed Algorithms
  174. Distributed Algorithms
  175. Distributed Algorithms for Message-Passing Systems
  176. Distributed Applications Engineering
  177. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  178. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  179. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  180. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  181. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  182. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  183. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  184. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  185. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  186. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  187. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  188. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  189. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  190. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  191. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  192. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  193. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  194. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  195. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  196. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  197. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
  198. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems II
  199. Distributed Artificial Intelligence
  200. Distributed Artificial Intelligence