9425 publications

  1. Lectins and Cancer
  2. Lectins and Glycobiology
  3. Lectins and Glycoconjugates in Oncology
  4. Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics
  5. Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics
  6. Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics
  7. Lecture Notes in Analogue Electronics
  8. Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making
  9. Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making
  10. Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making
  11. Lecture Notes in Cosmology
  12. Lecture Notes in Data Engineering, Computational Intelligence, and Decision Making
  13. Lecture Notes in Engineering
  14. Lecture Notes in Physics
  15. Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry
  16. Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry II
  17. Lecture Notes in Real Analysis
  18. Lecture Notes in Real-Time Intelligent Systems
  19. Lecture Notes in Real-Time Intelligent Systems
  20. Lecture Notes in Rotorcraft Engineering
  21. Lecture Notes on Acoustics and Noise Control
  22. Lecture Notes on Bucket Algorithms
  23. Lecture Notes on Composite Materials
  24. Lecture Notes on Diophantine Analysis
  25. Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry
  26. Lecture Notes on Geometry of Numbers
  27. Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow
  28. Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow, Barriers and Singular Perturbations
  29. Lecture Notes on Newtonian Mechanics
  30. Lecture Notes on O-Minimal Structures and Real Analytic Geometry
  31. Lecture Notes on Principles of Plasma Processing
  32. Lecture Notes on Resource and Environmental Economics
  33. Lecture Notes on Theoretical Mechanics
  34. Lecture Notes on Wavelet Transforms
  35. Lecture Notes on the General Theory of Relativity
  36. Lecture Notes on the Theory of Plates and Shells
  37. Lecture Notes, Worksheets, and Exercises for Basic Anatomy and Physiology
  38. Lecturers’ Guide to Engines and Electrics
  39. Lecturers’ Guide to Part 2 Motor Vehicle Craft Studies
  40. Lecturer’s Guide Engines and Related Systems Levels 2 & 3
  41. Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials
  42. Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 2
  43. Lectures and Surveys on G2-Manifolds and Related Topics
  44. Lectures from Markov Processes to Brownian Motion
  45. Lectures in Abstract Algebra
  46. Lectures in Abstract Algebra
  47. Lectures in Abstract Algebra I
  48. Lectures in Algebraic Combinatorics
  49. Lectures in Astrobiology
  50. Lectures in Astrobiology
  51. Lectures in Classical Mechanics
  52. Lectures in Classical Thermodynamics with an Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
  53. Lectures in E-Commerce
  54. Lectures in Feedback Design for Multivariable Systems
  55. Lectures in Isotope Geology
  56. Lectures in Knot Theory
  57. Lectures in Magnetohydrodynamics
  58. Lectures in Meteorology
  59. Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications I
  60. Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications III
  61. Lectures in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s Health
  62. Lectures in Probability and Statistics
  63. Lectures in Quantum Mechanics
  64. Lectures in Set Theory with Particular Emphasis on the Method of Forcing
  65. Lectures in Statistical Physics
  66. Lectures in Statistical Physics
  67. Lectures in Supercomputational Neurosciences
  68. Lectures in modern analysis and applications II
  69. Lectures on Advances in Combinatorics
  70. Lectures on Air Pollution Modeling
  71. Lectures on Air Pollution and Environmental Impact Analyses
  72. Lectures on Algebraic Geometry I
  73. Lectures on Algebraic Geometry I
  74. Lectures on Algebraic Geometry II
  75. Lectures on Algebraic Quantum Groups
  76. Lectures on Algebraic Statistics
  77. Lectures on Algebraic Topology
  78. Lectures on Algebraic Topology
  79. Lectures on Algebraic and Differential Topology
  80. Lectures on Amenability
  81. Lectures on Analysis on Metric Spaces
  82. Lectures on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications
  83. Lectures on Applied Mathematics
  84. Lectures on Boolean Algebras
  85. Lectures on Categorical Data Analysis
  86. Lectures on Celestial Mechanics
  87. Lectures on Choquet’s Theorem
  88. Lectures on Classical and Quantum Theory of Fields
  89. Lectures on Classical and Quantum Theory of Fields
  90. Lectures on Clifford (Geometric) Algebras and Applications
  91. Lectures on Closed Geodesics
  92. Lectures on Complex Approximation
  93. Lectures on Complex Integration
  94. Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets
  95. Lectures on Constructive Approximation
  96. Lectures on Convex Geometry
  97. Lectures on Convex Optimization
  98. Lectures on Cosmology
  99. Lectures on Data Security
  100. Lectures on Density Wave Theory
  101. Lectures on Dependency
  102. Lectures on Developmental Physiology
  103. Lectures on Discrete Geometry
  104. Lectures on Discrete Time Filtering
  105. Lectures on Electrochemical Corrosion
  106. Lectures on Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
  107. Lectures on Embedded Systems
  108. Lectures on Euclidean Geometry - Volume 1
  109. Lectures on Euclidean Geometry - Volume 2
  110. Lectures on Factorization Homology, ∞-Categories, and Topological Field Theories
  111. Lectures on Financial Mathematics: Discrete Asset Pricing
  112. Lectures on Finitely Generated Solvable Groups
  113. Lectures on Flavor Physics
  114. Lectures on Fluid Dynamics
  115. Lectures on Formal Methods and PerformanceAnalysis
  116. Lectures on Formal and Rigid Geometry
  117. Lectures on Formally Real Fields
  118. Lectures on Functional Analysis and the Lebesgue Integral
  119. Lectures on Functor Homology
  120. Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1966
  121. Lectures on Gaussian Processes
  122. Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications
  123. Lectures on General Relativity
  124. Lectures on Geometric Quantization
  125. Lectures on Geometric Variational Problems
  126. Lectures on Geometry
  127. Lectures on Gleason Parts
  128. Lectures on Hermitian-Einstein Metrics for Stable Bundles and Kähler-Einstein Metrics
  129. Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry
  130. Lectures on Hyperhamiltonian Dynamics and Physical Applications
  131. Lectures on Hyponormal Operators
  132. Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and Welfare
  133. Lectures on Information Retrieval
  134. Lectures on Injective Modules and Quotient Rings
  135. Lectures on Insurance Models
  136. Lectures on Integrable Systems
  137. Lectures on Intelligent Systems
  138. Lectures on Kinetic Processes in Materials
  139. Lectures on LHC Physics
  140. Lectures on LHC Physics
  141. Lectures on Language Performance
  142. Lectures on Lepton Nucleon Scattering and Quantum Chromodynamics
  143. Lectures on Location Theory
  144. Lectures on Logic and Computation
  145. Lectures on Mappings of Finite Distortion
  146. Lectures on Mathematical Theory of Extremum Problems
  147. Lectures on Matrix Field Theory
  148. Lectures on Modules and Rings
  149. Lectures on Morse Homology
  150. Lectures on Non-Standard Analysis
  151. Lectures on Non-linear Plasma Kinetics
  152. Lectures on Nonlinear Dynamics
  153. Lectures on Nonlinear Evolution Equations
  154. Lectures on Nonlinear Evolution Equations
  155. Lectures on Nonsmooth Differential Geometry
  156. Lectures on Nuclear Theory
  157. Lectures on Number Theory
  158. Lectures on Numerical Mathematics
  159. Lectures on Numerical Methods
  160. Lectures on Numerical Radius Inequalities
  161. Lectures on Operator Algebras
  162. Lectures on Optimal Transport
  163. Lectures on Partial Differential Equations
  164. Lectures on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
  165. Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models
  166. Lectures on Petri Nets II: Applications
  167. Lectures on Phase Field
  168. Lectures on Photomorphogenesis
  169. Lectures on Polytopes
  170. Lectures on Prediction Theory
  171. Lectures on Probability Theory
  172. Lectures on Probability Theory
  173. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  174. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  175. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  176. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  177. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  178. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  179. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  180. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  181. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  182. Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
  183. Lectures on Proof Verification and Approximation Algorithms
  184. Lectures on QCD
  185. Lectures on QCD
  186. Lectures on Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integration
  187. Lectures on Quantum Gravity
  188. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
  189. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
  190. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
  191. Lectures on Quantum Statistics
  192. Lectures on Quark Matter
  193. Lectures on Radiating Gasdynamics
  194. Lectures on Random Interfaces
  195. Lectures on Random Voronoi Tessellations
  196. Lectures on Riemann Surfaces
  197. Lectures on Rings and Modules
  198. Lectures on Risk Theory
  199. Lectures on Runtime Verification
  200. Lectures on Schumpeterian Economics