24427 publications

  1. Patch Testing and Prick Testing
  2. Patch Testing and Prick Testing
  3. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging
  4. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging
  5. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging
  6. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging
  7. Patch-Clamp Analysis
  8. Patch-Clamp Analysis
  9. Patch-Clamp Applications and Protocols
  10. Patch-Clamp Methods and Protocols
  11. Patch-Clamp Methods and Protocols
  12. Patch-Clamp-Technik
  13. Patchwork-Jugend
  14. Patellar Instability Surgery in Clinical Practice
  15. Patellofemoral Pain and Instability
  16. Patellofemoral Pain, Instability, and Arthritis
  17. Patellofemoral Pain, Instability, and Arthritis
  18. Patent Aggregating Companies
  19. Patent Analytics
  20. Patent Filing Strategies and Patent Management
  21. Patent Foramen Ovale
  22. Patent Intelligence zur unternehmensrelevanten Wissenserschließung
  23. Patent Intermediaries
  24. Patent Law for Computer Scientists
  25. Patent Law for the Nonlawyer
  26. Patent Law in Biotechnology, Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
  27. Patent Management
  28. Patent und Patentrecherche
  29. Patent und Patentrecherche
  30. Patent- und Schutzrechtsmanagement in Zeiten des Hyperwettbewerbs
  31. Patentbewertung
  32. Patente in Technologie-Orientierten Mergers & Acquisitions
  33. Patente in der Praxis
  34. Patente in der Praxis
  35. Patente und Finanzierung am Kapitalmarkt
  36. Patente und Innovationen in der Industrialisierung
  37. Patentierung von Geschäftsprozessen
  38. Patentinformationen für die strategische Planung von Forschung und Entwicklung
  39. Patenting Nanomedicines
  40. Patenting of Human Genes and Living Organisms
  41. Patenting of Pharmaceuticals and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
  42. Patentism Replacing Capitalism
  43. Patentmanagement
  44. Patentmanagement
  45. Patentmanagement
  46. Patentmanagement
  47. Patentmanagement
  48. Patentmanagement, Technologieverwertung und Akquise externer Technologien
  49. Patentpools
  50. Patentrecht für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften
  51. Patents and Cartographic Inventions
  52. Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized World
  53. Patentschutz und Stammzellforschung
  54. Patentstrategien
  55. Patentverletzungen in der Biotechnologie
  56. Pater to Forster, 1873–1924
  57. Paternal Postnatal Psychiatric Illnesses
  58. Paternalism and Politics
  59. Paternalism, Conflict, and Coproduction
  60. Paternity and Fatherhood
  61. Path Coupling and Aggregate Path Coupling
  62. Path Dependency and Macroeconomics
  63. Path Integral Approach to Quantum Physics
  64. Path Integral Quantization and Stochastic Quantization
  65. Path Integral Quantization and Stochastic Quantization
  66. Path Integrals
  67. Path Integrals in Field Theory
  68. Path Integrals in Stochastic Engineering Dynamics
  69. Path Planning and Tracking for Vehicle Collision Avoidance in Lateral and Longitudinal Motion Directions
  70. Path Player Games
  71. Path Problems in Networks
  72. Patho-Epigenetics of Disease
  73. Patho-Epigenetics of Infectious Disease
  74. PathoMaps
  75. PathoMaps
  76. Pathobiochemie der Entzündung
  77. Pathobiochemie und Funktionsdiagnostik der Niere
  78. Pathobiochemie, Molekularbiologie und moderne Diagnostik kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen
  79. Pathobiology of Cancer Regimen-Related Toxicities
  80. Pathobiology of Cardiovascular Injury
  81. Pathobiology of Human Germ Cell Neoplasia
  82. Pathobiology of Parasitic Protozoa: Dynamics and Dimensions
  83. Pathobiology of Pulmonary Disorders
  84. Pathobiology of the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque
  85. Pathochemical Markers in Major Psychoses
  86. Pathogen Genomics
  87. Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation
  88. Pathogen-Derived Immunomodulatory Molecules
  89. Pathogen-Host Interactions: Antigenic Variation v. Somatic Adaptations
  90. Pathogene Mikroorganismen im Grund- und Trinkwasser
  91. Pathogenese
  92. Pathogenese
  93. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine II
  94. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine III
  95. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine IV
  96. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine IX
  97. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine V
  98. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine VI
  99. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine VIII
  100. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine X
  101. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine XI
  102. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine XII
  103. Pathogenese und Klinik der Harnsteine XIII
  104. Pathogenesis and Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology
  105. Pathogenesis and Mechanisms of Liver Cell Necrosis
  106. Pathogenesis and Risk Factors of Glaucoma
  107. Pathogenesis and Treatment in IgA Nephropathy
  108. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Acne and Rosacea
  109. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
  110. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Leukemia
  111. Pathogenesis of Functional Bowel Disease
  112. Pathogenesis of Idiopathic Scoliosis
  113. Pathogenesis of Leishmaniasis
  114. Pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its Interaction with the Host Organism
  115. Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders
  116. Pathogenesis of Neuropathic Pain
  117. Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases
  118. Pathogenesis of Shigellosis
  119. Pathogenesis of Stress-Induced Heart Disease
  120. Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  121. Pathogenesis of Wound and Biomaterial-Associated Infections
  122. Pathogenic Yeasts
  123. Pathogenic Yersinia
  124. Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Amoebae
  125. Pathogenicity Islands and the Evolution of Pathogenic Microbes
  126. Pathogenicity Islands and the Evolution of Pathogenic Microbes
  127. Pathogenicity and Drug Resistance of Human Pathogens
  128. Pathogenicity of Human Herpesviruses due to Specific Pathogenicity Genes
  129. Pathogens Associated with the Development of Cancer in Humans
  130. Pathogens of Invertebrates
  131. Pathohistologie der Ƶähne
  132. Pathologic Myopia
  133. Pathologic Myopia
  134. Pathological Brain Detection
  135. Pathological Effects of Radio Waves
  136. Pathological Elements in Analog Circuit Design
  137. Pathological Neurochemistry
  138. Pathological Potential of Neuroglia
  139. Pathological Self-Criticism
  140. Pathological Voice Analysis
  141. Pathologie
  142. Pathologie
  143. Pathologie
  144. Pathologie
  145. Pathologie
  146. Pathologie
  147. Pathologie
  148. Pathologie
  149. Pathologie
  150. Pathologie
  151. Pathologie
  152. Pathologie
  153. Pathologie
  154. Pathologie
  155. Pathologie
  156. Pathologie 2
  157. Pathologie 3
  158. Pathologie 4
  159. Pathologie 5
  160. Pathologie Kompakt
  161. Pathologie als Naturwissenschaft
  162. Pathologie der Bewegungsorgane
  163. Pathologie der Brustdrüse
  164. Pathologie der Coronargefäße
  165. Pathologie der Demokratie
  166. Pathologie der Gelenke und Weichteiltumoren
  167. Pathologie der Halslymphknoten
  168. Pathologie der Laboratoriumstiere
  169. Pathologie der Leber und Gallenwege
  170. Pathologie der Lunge
  171. Pathologie der Muskulatur
  172. Pathologie der ableitenden Harnwege und der Prostata
  173. Pathologie der degenerativen Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen
  174. Pathologie der endokrinen Organe
  175. Pathologie der geschlechtlichen Identität
  176. Pathologie der weiblichen Genitalorgane II
  177. Pathologie der weiblichen Genitalorgane III
  178. Pathologie des Auges
  179. Pathologie des Bandapparates
  180. Pathologie des Endokard, der Kranzarterien und des Myokard
  181. Pathologie des Nervensystems I
  182. Pathologie des Nervensystems II
  183. Pathologie des Nervensystems III
  184. Pathologie des Nervensystems IV
  185. Pathologie des Nervensystems V
  186. Pathologie des Nervensystems VI.A
  187. Pathologie des Nervensystems VI.B
  188. Pathologie des Nervensystems VI.C
  189. Pathologie des Nervensystems VII
  190. Pathologie des Nervensystems VIII
  191. Pathologie des Ohres
  192. Pathologie des Thymus
  193. Pathologie des Thymus
  194. Pathologie des Trauma
  195. Pathologie des männlichen Genitale
  196. Pathologie des psychosomatischen Reaktionsmusters
  197. Pathologie hypophysaire et grossesse
  198. Pathologie hémorroïdaire
  199. Pathologie in Fallstudien
  200. Pathologie in Heidelberg