24427 publications

  1. Pharmacological Denervation and Glaucoma
  2. Pharmacological Intervention in the Aging Process
  3. Pharmacological Interventions for Osteoporosis
  4. Pharmacological Management of Headaches
  5. Pharmacological Mechanisms in Alzheimer's Therapeutics
  6. Pharmacological Potential of Selected Natural Compounds in the Control of Parasitic Diseases
  7. Pharmacological Properties of Native Plants from Argentina
  8. Pharmacological Properties of Plant-Derived Natural Products and Implications for Human Health
  9. Pharmacological Sciences: Perspectives for Research and Therapy in the Late 1990s
  10. Pharmacological Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes
  11. Pharmacological Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
  12. Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris
  13. Pharmacological facts and figures
  14. Pharmacology
  15. Pharmacology
  16. Pharmacology
  17. Pharmacology
  18. Pharmacology
  19. Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics
  20. Pharmacology and Abuse of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Ecstasy and Related Designer Drugs
  21. Pharmacology and Applications of Naturally Occurring Iridoids
  22. Pharmacology and Functional Regulation of Dopaminergic Neurons
  23. Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics
  24. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Asthma and COPD
  25. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Asthma and COPD
  26. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Cough
  27. Pharmacology in Clinical Neurosciences
  28. Pharmacology in Noninvasive Ventilation
  29. Pharmacology of Antibiotics
  30. Pharmacology of Antihypertensive Therapeutics
  31. Pharmacology of Asthma
  32. Pharmacology of Bombax ceiba Linn.
  33. Pharmacology of Drug Stereoisomers
  34. Pharmacology of Endogenous Neurotoxins
  35. Pharmacology of Fluorides
  36. Pharmacology of GABA and Glycine Neurotransmission
  37. Pharmacology of Ganglionic Transmission
  38. Pharmacology of Hormonal Polypeptides and Proteins
  39. Pharmacology of Immunosuppression
  40. Pharmacology of Immunotherapeutic Drugs
  41. Pharmacology of Intestinal Permeation I
  42. Pharmacology of Intestinal Permeation II
  43. Pharmacology of Ionic Channel Function: Activators and Inhibitors
  44. Pharmacology of Itch
  45. Pharmacology of Mitochondria
  46. Pharmacology of Neurotransmitter Release
  47. Pharmacology of Ocular Therapeutics
  48. Pharmacology of Peptic Ulcer Disease
  49. Pharmacology of Potassium Channels
  50. Pharmacology of Smooth Muscle
  51. Pharmacology of fluorides
  52. Pharmacology of the Eye
  53. Pharmacology of the Hypothalamus
  54. Pharmacology of the Skin I
  55. Pharmacology of the Skin II
  56. Pharmacology of the WNT Signaling System
  57. Pharmacopoea Helvetica Editio quinta
  58. Pharmacoproteomics
  59. Pharmacoresistance in Epilepsy
  60. Pharmacoresistance in Epilepsy
  61. Pharmacotherapeutic Botanicals for Cancer Chemoprevention
  62. Pharmacotherapeutic Potential of Natural Products in Neurological Disorders
  63. Pharmacotherapeutics of the Thyroid Gland
  64. Pharmacotherapy for Liver Cirrhosis and Its Complications
  65. Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease
  66. Pharmacotherapy of Depression
  67. Pharmacotherapy of Depression
  68. Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes: New Developments
  69. Pharmacotherapy of Gastrointestinal Inflammation
  70. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity
  71. Pharmacotherapy of Pulmonary Hypertension
  72. Pharmacovigilance
  73. Pharmacovigilance Essentials
  74. Pharmacovigilance for Herbal and Traditional Medicines
  75. Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry
  76. Pharmacovigilance in the European Union
  77. Pharmacy Practice Research Methods
  78. Pharmacy Practice Research Methods
  79. Pharmacy and Professionalization in the British Empire, 1780–1970
  80. Pharmacy/Thermomechanics/Elastomers/Telechelics
  81. Pharmaka in der Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin
  82. Pharmakodynamische Modelle für die Arzneimittelentwicklung
  83. Pharmakognosie
  84. Pharmakognosie — Phytopharmazie
  85. Pharmakognosie — Phytopharmazie
  86. Pharmakognosie — Phytopharmazie
  87. Pharmakognostische Untersuchungen am Medizinal-Rhabarber
  88. Pharmakognostischer Atlas
  89. Pharmakokinetik
  90. Pharmakokinetik
  91. Pharmakokinetik
  92. Pharmakokinetik und -dynamik des intravenösen Anaesthetikums Propofol (Disoprivan®)
  93. Pharmakokinetik und Arzneistoffmetabolismus
  94. Pharmakologie & Toxikologie
  95. Pharmakologie der Haut Arƶneimittel Allgemeine Therapie
  96. Pharmakologie der Psychopharmaka
  97. Pharmakologie dermatologischer Externa
  98. Pharmakologie des Herzversagens
  99. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
  100. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
  101. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
  102. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
  103. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
  104. Pharmakologie und klinische Anwendung hochdosierter B-Vitamine
  105. Pharmakologie und klinische Pharmakologie von Dihydergot
  106. Pharmakologie und klinische Pharmakologie von Hydergin®
  107. Pharmakologie-Fibel
  108. Pharmakologie-Fibel
  109. Pharmakologische Aspekte von Immunreaktionen
  110. Pharmakologische Studien zur Entwicklung eines neuen Arthrosemodells am Versuchstier
  111. Pharmakologisches Neuroenhancement unter Studierenden
  112. Pharmakopsychologie und Psychopathologie
  113. Pharmakopsychologie und Psychopathologie
  114. Pharmakotherapie
  115. Pharmakotherapie
  116. Pharmakotherapie
  117. Pharmakotherapie am Auge
  118. Pharmakotherapie bei Niereninsuffizienz
  119. Pharmakotherapie bronchopulmonaler Erkrankungen
  120. Pharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
  121. Pharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
  122. Pharmakotherapie in der Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin
  123. Pharmakotherapie in der Reanimation nach Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand
  124. Pharmakotherapie in der Urologie
  125. Pharmakotherapie in der Urologie
  126. Pharmakotherapie und Alter
  127. Pharmakotherapie und Alter
  128. Pharmalogistik
  129. Pharmamarketing
  130. Pharmamarketing
  131. Pharmamarketing
  132. Pharmazeutisch-chemisches Praktikum
  133. Pharmazeutischchemisches Praktikum
  134. Pharmazeutische Biologie
  135. Pharmazeutische Biologie
  136. Pharmazeutische Biologie
  137. Pharmazeutische Informationssysteme
  138. Pharmazeutische Synonyma
  139. Pharmazeutische Technologie
  140. Pharmazeutische Technologie
  141. Pharmazeutische Technologie
  142. Pharmazeutische Übungspräparate
  143. Pharmazeutische Übungspräparate
  144. Pharmazeutisches Tier-Manual
  145. Pharmazeutisches Tier-Manual
  146. Pharming
  147. Phase Behavior of Two-Dimensional Water Confined in Graphene Nanocapillaries
  148. Phase Behaviour of Polymer Blends
  149. Phase Change Materials
  150. Phase Change Memory
  151. Phase Change Memory
  152. Phase Change in Mechanics
  153. Phase Change with Convection: Modelling and Validation
  154. Phase Diagram and Magnetic Excitations of BaFe2-xNixAs2: A Neutron Scattering Study
  155. Phase Diagrams and Ceramic Processes
  156. Phase Diagrams and Ceramic Processes
  157. Phase Diagrams and Heterogeneous Equilibria
  158. Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys
  159. Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys
  160. Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys
  161. Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys: 5 Component Amorphous Alloys
  162. Phase Diagrams for Geoscientists
  163. Phase Diagrams for Geoscientists
  164. Phase Equilibria Diagrams of High Temperature Non-oxide Ceramics
  165. Phase Equilibria in Metamorphic Rocks
  166. Phase Equilibria, Crystallographic and Thermodynamic Data of Binary Alloys
  167. Phase Field Theory in Materials Physics
  168. Phase I Oncology Drug Development
  169. Phase II Clinical Development of New Drugs
  170. Phase Interaction in the Metal - Oxide Melts - Gas -System
  171. Phase Mapping of Human Biological Tissues
  172. Phase Portraits of Control Dynamical Systems
  173. Phase Portraits of Planar Quadratic Systems
  174. Phase Resetting in Medicine and Biology
  175. Phase Response Curves in Neuroscience
  176. Phase Separation Coupled with Damage Processes
  177. Phase Separation in Cuprate Superconductors
  178. Phase Separation in Living Cells
  179. Phase Separation in Soft Matter Physics
  180. Phase Space Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
  181. Phase Space Dynamics in Plasma Based Wakefield Acceleration
  182. Phase Structure of Strongly Interacting Matter
  183. Phase Transfer Catalysis in Organic Synthesis
  184. Phase Transformation in Metals
  185. Phase Transformation of Kaolinite Clay
  186. Phase Transition Dynamics
  187. Phase Transition Dynamics
  188. Phase Transitions Cargèse 1980
  189. Phase Transitions and Crystal Symmetry
  190. Phase Transitions and Hysteresis
  191. Phase Transitions and Relaxation in Systems with Competing Energy Scales
  192. Phase Transitions and Self-Organization in Electronic and Molecular Networks
  193. Phase Transitions in Cell Biology
  194. Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals
  195. Phase Transitions in Soft Condensed Matter
  196. Phase Transitions in Surface Films
  197. Phase Transitions in Surface Films 2
  198. Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Complex Plasmas
  199. Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Theory and Observations
  200. Phase Transitions of Simple Systems