24427 publications

  1. Palladium Emissions in the Environment
  2. Palladium and Nickel Catalyzed Transformations Forming Functionalized Heterocycles
  3. Palladium in Organic Synthesis
  4. Palladium-Catalyzed Mechanochemical Cross-Coupling Reactions
  5. Palliatieve zorg
  6. Palliative Atemtherapie
  7. Palliative Care
  8. Palliative Care
  9. Palliative Care
  10. Palliative Care
  11. Palliative Care
  12. Palliative Care
  13. Palliative Care
  14. Palliative Care
  15. Palliative Care and Catholic Health Care
  16. Palliative Care and End-of-Life Decisions
  17. Palliative Care and Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients
  18. Palliative Care for Chronic Cancer Patients in the Community
  19. Palliative Care im Fokus von Supervision
  20. Palliative Care in Cardiac Intensive Care Units
  21. Palliative Care in Clinical Practice
  22. Palliative Care in Hematologic Malignancies and Serious Blood Disorders
  23. Palliative Care in Lung Disease
  24. Palliative Care in Oncology
  25. Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology
  26. Palliative Care und Hospiz
  27. Palliative Critical Care
  28. Palliative Krebstherapie
  29. Palliative Logopädie - Band 1
  30. Palliative Logopädie - Band 2
  31. Palliative Logopädie – Band 3
  32. Palliative Skills for Frontline Clinicians
  33. Palliative Surgery
  34. Palliative Treatment for Advanced Cancer Patients
  35. Palliative Viszeralchirurgie
  36. Palliativmedizin
  37. Palliativmedizin
  38. Palliativmedizin
  39. Palliativmedizin
  40. Palliativmedizin
  41. Palliativmedizin
  42. Palliativmedizin heute
  43. Palliativpflege bei Demenz
  44. Palliativversorgung in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung
  45. Palliativversorgung und Trauerbegleitung in der Neonatologie
  46. Palliativversorgung und Trauerbegleitung in der Neonatologie
  47. Palliativversorgung von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen
  48. Palliativversorgung von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen
  49. Palm Probabilities and Stationary Queues
  50. Palmerston
  51. Palmprint Authentication
  52. Palms and People in the Amazon
  53. Palms in Forest Ecosystems of Amazonia
  54. Palpationsatlas
  55. Palynologisch-stratigraphische Untersuchungen in den Grenzflözen der Mittleren und Oberen Essener Schichten (Westfal B) im mittleren Ruhrgebiet im Bereich der Emscher-Mulde
  56. Paläoanthropologie
  57. Paläobiologie und Stammesgeschichte
  58. Paläogeographie der Oberen Kreide
  59. Paläomagnetismus und Archäomagnetismus
  60. Paläontologische Bearbeitung der in den devonischen Schichten des Siegerlandes enthaltenen Faunen
  61. Paläontologisches Praktikum
  62. Paläontologisches Wörterbuch
  63. Paläoƶoologie
  64. Palökologie
  65. Pamphlets, Printing, and Political Culture in the Early Dutch Republic
  66. Pan Africanism, Regional Integration and Development in Africa
  67. Pan Vascular Medicine
  68. Pan-African Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems
  69. Pan-African Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems
  70. Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  71. Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  72. Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  73. Pan-Africanism Versus Partnership
  74. Pan-Africanism and Psychology in Decolonial Times
  75. Pan-Asian Integration
  76. Pan-Asianism and Japan’s War 1931–1945
  77. Pan-India Stories of Informal Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic
  78. Pan-Protestant Heroism in Early Modern Europe
  79. Pan-Slavism and Slavophilia in Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe
  80. Pan-cancer Integrative Molecular Portrait Towards a New Paradigm in Precision Medicine
  81. PanVascular Medicine
  82. PanVascular Medicine
  83. Pancreas Transplantation
  84. Pancreas Transplantation – the Asian Experience
  85. Pancreas and Biliary Disease
  86. Pancreas and Biliary Tract Cytohistology
  87. Pancreas, Kidney and Skin Regeneration
  88. Pancreatic Beta Cell in Health and Disease
  89. Pancreatic Cancer
  90. Pancreatic Cancer
  91. Pancreatic Cancer
  92. Pancreatic Cancer
  93. Pancreatic Cancer
  94. Pancreatic Cancer
  95. Pancreatic Cancer
  96. Pancreatic Cancer
  97. Pancreatic Cancer
  98. Pancreatic Cancer
  99. Pancreatic Cancer
  100. Pancreatic Cancer
  101. Pancreatic Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach
  102. Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms
  103. Pancreatic Cytopathology
  104. Pancreatic Disease
  105. Pancreatic Disease
  106. Pancreatic Disease
  107. Pancreatic Disease
  108. Pancreatic Disease
  109. Pancreatic Enzymes in Health and Disease
  110. Pancreatic Fistulas
  111. Pancreatic Imaging
  112. Pancreatic Islet Biology
  113. Pancreatic Islet Cell Regeneration and Growth
  114. Pancreatic Islet Isolation
  115. Pancreatic Masses
  116. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
  117. Pancreatic Stem Cells
  118. Pancreatic Tumors in Children
  119. Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction and Congenital Biliary Dilatation
  120. Pancreatitis
  121. Pancreatitis
  122. Pancreatitis and Its Complications
  123. Pancreatitis: Advances in Pathobiology, Diagnosis and Treatment
  124. Pancreatoduodenectomy
  125. Pancreatology
  126. Pancreatology
  127. Pancyclic and Bipancyclic Graphs
  128. Pandemic Cities
  129. Pandemic Communication and Resilience
  130. Pandemic Pedagogy
  131. Pandemic Perspectives on the Irish Diaspora in Germany
  132. Pandemic Play
  133. Pandemic Police Power, Public Health and the Abolition Question
  134. Pandemic Providers
  135. Pandemic Risk Management in Operations and Finance
  136. Pandemic and the City
  137. Pandemic in the Metropolis
  138. Pandemic, Lockdown, and Digital Transformation
  139. Pandemic, New Normal and Implications on Business
  140. Pandemics and Epidemics in Cultural Representation
  141. Pandemics and Ethics
  142. Pandemics and Resilience: Lessons we should have learned from Zika
  143. Pandemics as Matter of a System Crisis
  144. Pandemics, Economics and Inequality
  145. Pandemics, Publics, and Politics
  146. Pandemics, Science and Policy
  147. Pandemics: Insurance and Social Protection
  148. Pandemie als nicht alltägliches Event-Risk
  149. Pandemie im Film
  150. Pandemien und Ethik
  151. Pandemieresilienz
  152. Pandemisches Virus – nationales Handeln
  153. Pandemnomics: The Pandemic's Lasting Economic Effects
  154. Panel Data Analysis
  155. Panel Discussions
  156. Panel Methods in Fluid Mechanics with Emphasis on Aerodynamics
  157. Panels for Transportation Planning
  158. Panels in der Marktforschung
  159. Panic Buying
  160. Panic Buying and Environmental Disasters
  161. Panic Disorder
  162. Panic and Phobias
  163. Panic and Phobias 2
  164. Panicle Architecture of Rice and its Relationship with Grain Filling
  165. Panicum (Poaceae)
  166. Panik
  167. Panik Stadt
  168. Panik und Agoraphobie
  169. Panik und Puritanismus
  170. Pankreas
  171. Pankreaschirurgie
  172. Pankreatitisfibel
  173. Panofsky on Physics, Politics, and Peace
  174. Panonomics
  175. Panorama de l’auriculothérapie et de l’auriculomédecine
  176. Panorama der Mathematik
  177. Panoramas and Compilations in Nineteenth-Century Britain
  178. Panoramic Radiology
  179. Panoramic Vision
  180. Panpsychism and the Emergence of Consciousness
  181. Panta Rhei — Umdenken — — Umdenken —
  182. Pantheism and Ecology
  183. Paolozzi and Wittgenstein
  184. Paozhi: Die Aufbereitung chinesischer Arzneimittel
  185. Paper Chemistry
  186. Paper Chemistry
  187. Paper Microfluidics
  188. Paper, Materiality and the Archived Page
  189. Paper-Based Medical Diagnostic Devices
  190. Paper-based Diagnostics
  191. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  192. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  193. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  194. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  195. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  196. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  197. Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
  198. Papers in Game Theory
  199. Papers in Honour of Bernhard Banaschewski
  200. Papers in Structural and Transformational Linguistics