12577 publications

  1. Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems
  2. Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems
  3. Recent Trends in Communication, Computing, and Electronics
  4. Recent Trends in Computational Engineering - CE2014
  5. Recent Trends in Computational Photonics
  6. Recent Trends in Computer Applications
  7. Recent Trends in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Security
  8. Recent Trends in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Security
  9. Recent Trends in Constructed Wetlands for Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  10. Recent Trends in Construction Technology and Management
  11. Recent Trends in Control and Sensor Systems in Emergency Management
  12. Recent Trends in Data Science and Soft Computing
  13. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  14. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  15. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  16. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  17. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  18. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  19. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
  20. Recent Trends in Decision Science and Management
  21. Recent Trends in Design, Materials and Manufacturing
  22. Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue
  23. Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems
  24. Recent Trends in Educational Technology and Administration
  25. Recent Trends in Educational Technology and Administration
  26. Recent Trends in Electrochemical Science and Technology
  27. Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication
  28. Recent Trends in Engineering Design
  29. Recent Trends in Engineering Design
  30. Recent Trends in Environmental Hydraulics
  31. Recent Trends in Fluid Dynamics Research
  32. Recent Trends in Fracture and Damage Mechanics
  33. Recent Trends in Fuel Cell Science and Technology
  34. Recent Trends in German and European Constitutional Law
  35. Recent Trends in Graph Theory
  36. Recent Trends in Human and Animal Mycology
  37. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  38. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  39. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  40. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  41. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  42. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  43. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  44. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  45. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  46. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  47. Recent Trends in Image and Signal Processing in Computer Vision
  48. Recent Trends in Industrial and Production Engineering
  49. Recent Trends in Industrial and Production Engineering
  50. Recent Trends in Information Reuse and Integration
  51. Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technology
  52. Recent Trends in Intelligence Enabled Research
  53. Recent Trends in Intelligence Enabled Research
  54. Recent Trends in Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices
  55. Recent Trends in Intelligent and Emerging Systems
  56. Recent Trends in Learning From Data
  57. Recent Trends in Lorentzian Geometry
  58. Recent Trends in Management and Utilization of Industrial Sludge
  59. Recent Trends in Manufacturing and Materials Towards Industry 4.0
  60. Recent Trends in Materials
  61. Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications
  62. Recent Trends in Materials and Devices
  63. Recent Trends in Materials and Devices
  64. Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Computing
  65. Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering
  66. Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering
  67. Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering
  68. Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering
  69. Recent Trends in Mechatronics Towards Industry 4.0
  70. Recent Trends in Modelling of Environmental Contaminants
  71. Recent Trends in Molecular Recognition
  72. Recent Trends in Mycological Research
  73. Recent Trends in Mycological Research
  74. Recent Trends in Nanomaterials
  75. Recent Trends in Nanotechnology and Materials Science
  76. Recent Trends in Nanotechnology for Sustainable Living and Environment
  77. Recent Trends in Naval Engineering Research
  78. Recent Trends in Network Security and Applications
  79. Recent Trends in Networks and Communications
  80. Recent Trends in Nonlinear Analysis
  81. Recent Trends in Operator Theory and Partial Differential Equations
  82. Recent Trends in Philosophical Logic
  83. Recent Trends in Physics of Material Science and Technology
  84. Recent Trends in Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
  85. Recent Trends in Radiation Polymer Chemistry
  86. Recent Trends in Regeneration Research
  87. Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Sources and Power Conversion
  88. Recent Trends in River Corridor Management
  89. Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing
  90. Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing
  91. Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing
  92. Recent Trends in Social Systems: Quantitative Theories and Quantitative Models
  93. Recent Trends in Sustainable Engineering
  94. Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology
  95. Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology
  96. Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology
  97. Recent Trends in Theory of Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields
  98. Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering
  99. Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering
  100. Recent Trends in Thermal and Fluid Sciences
  101. Recent Trends in Thermal and Fluid Sciences
  102. Recent Trends in Toeplitz and Pseudodifferential Operators
  103. Recent Trends in Traditional and Technical Textiles
  104. Recent Trends in Transportation Infrastructure, Volume 1
  105. Recent Trends in Transportation Infrastructure, Volume 2
  106. Recent Trends in Waste Water Treatment and Water Resource Management
  107. Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment
  108. Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations
  109. Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations
  110. Recent Trends in Wireless and Mobile Networks
  111. Recent Trends in Wireless and Mobile Networks
  112. Recent Trends in the Condition Monitoring of Transformers
  113. Recent Trends of Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems
  114. Recent Trends on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: Theory, Methodology and Applications
  115. Recent Views on Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  116. Recent Work on Intrinsic Value
  117. Recent advances in Applied Microbiology
  118. Recent advances in Power Systems
  119. Recent advances in crop protection
  120. Recent advances in the understanding of some selective mechanisms in man. Entwicklungstendenzen der frühen Hominiden
  121. Recent updates in molecular Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology of Fish
  122. Recentering Africa in International Relations
  123. Recently Acceded Members of the World Trade Organization
  124. Recentralisation in Colombia
  125. Receptaculitids
  126. Recepteerkunde
  127. Reception and Poetics in Keats
  128. Receptions of Simon Magus as an Archetype of the Heretic
  129. Receptionsorgane I
  130. Receptionsorgane II
  131. Receptor Binding
  132. Receptor Binding Techniques
  133. Receptor Binding Techniques
  134. Receptor Binding Techniques
  135. Receptor Purification
  136. Receptor Regulation
  137. Receptor Signal Transduction Protocols
  138. Receptor Signal Transduction Protocols
  139. Receptor Signal Transduction Protocols
  140. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
  141. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Family and Subfamilies
  142. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Structure, Functions and Role in Human Disease
  143. Receptor and Ion Channel Detection in the Brain
  144. Receptor and Ion Channel Detection in the Brain
  145. Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
  146. Receptor-Mediated Targeting of Drugs
  147. Receptor-Mediated Uptake in the Liver
  148. Receptor-Receptor Interactions
  149. Receptor-Receptor Interactions
  150. Receptor-Receptor Interactions in the Central Nervous System
  151. Receptor-like Kinases in Plants
  152. Receptor/Ligand Sorting Along the Endocytic Pathway
  153. Receptors and Other Targets for Toxic Substances
  154. Receptors and Recognition
  155. Receptors and Recognition
  156. Receptors for Reproductive Hormones
  157. Receptors in the Developing Nervous System
  158. Receptors, Membrane Transport and Signal Transduction
  159. Recession and Its Aftermath
  160. Recession, Crime and Punishment
  161. Rechargeable Batteries
  162. Rechenbuch für Maschinenbauerklassen an gewerblichen Berufsschulen
  163. Rechenhafte Betriebsführung im Einzelhandel
  164. Rechenmethoden der Elektrodynamik
  165. Rechenmethoden der Physik
  166. Rechenmethoden der Physik
  167. Rechenmethoden der Quantentheorie
  168. Rechenmethoden der Quantentheorie
  169. Rechenmethoden der Quantentheorie
  170. Rechenmethoden der Quantentheorie
  171. Rechenmethoden des Leichtbaus
  172. Rechenmethoden für Studierende der Physik im ersten Jahr
  173. Rechenmethoden für Studierende der Physik im ersten Jahr
  174. Rechenmethoden in der Fahrzeugentwicklung
  175. Rechenprogramm und Beispielrechnung zur Planung der Maschinenbelegung in einer Fertigungsstufe
  176. Rechenstrukturen und Geometrie mit LOGO
  177. Rechensysteme
  178. Rechentraining für Finanzdienstleister
  179. Rechentraining für Finanzdienstleister
  180. Rechentraining für Finanzierungsvermittler
  181. Rechenwege für die Multiplikation und ihre Umsetzung
  182. Rechenzentrums-Sicherheit
  183. Rechenübungen zur angewandten Elektronik
  184. Rechenübungen zur angewandten Elektronik
  185. Rechenübungen zur angewandten Elektronik
  186. Recherche 2.0
  187. Recherchehandbuch Wirtschaftsinformationen
  188. Recherchehandbuch Wirtschaftsinformationen
  189. Recherches sur les origines et la formation de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise
  190. Recherchieren
  191. Recherchieren und Publizieren im World Wide Web
  192. Recherchieren und Publizieren im World Wide Web
  193. Rechnen an spanabhebenden Werkzeugmaschinen
  194. Rechnen an spanabhebenden Werkzeugmaschinen
  195. Rechnen an spanenden Werkzeugmaschinen
  196. Rechnen an spanenden Werkzeugmaschinen
  197. Rechnen für Bankkaufleute
  198. Rechnen für Reiseverkehrskaufleute
  199. Rechnen im Labor
  200. Rechnen in der Chemie