12577 publications

  1. Rock Mechanics
  2. Rock Mechanics
  3. Rock Mechanics for underground mining
  4. Rock Music in Performance
  5. Rock Physics and Natural Hazards
  6. Rock Pop Jazz
  7. Rock Properties and Reservoir Engineering: A Practical View
  8. Rock Rheology
  9. Rock Stress and Its Measurement
  10. Rock Weathering
  11. Rock and Mineral Magnetism
  12. Rock and Pop Venues
  13. Rock and Pop Venues
  14. Rock and Roll Fantasy?
  15. Rock and Romanticism
  16. Rock and Soil Rheology
  17. Rock over Barock
  18. Rock the Tech Stage
  19. Rock- und Popmusik als Chance
  20. Rock-Filled Concrete Dam
  21. Rock-cut Architecture and Underground Cities in Koramaz Valley of Kayseri, Turkey
  22. Rock-forming Minerals in Thin Section
  23. Rockburst Evolutionary Process and Energy Dissipation Characteristics
  24. Rockburst in Extra-Thick Coal Seam Mining: Mechanism and Prevention
  25. Rockefeller and the Internationalization of Mathematics Between the Two World Wars
  26. Rocket Ranch
  27. Rocket Science
  28. Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion
  29. Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion
  30. Rocket-Triggered Lightning
  31. Rocketing Into the Future
  32. Rockets and Ray Guns: The Sci-Fi Science of the Cold War
  33. Rockfishes of the genus Sebastes: Their reproduction and early life history
  34. Rockglaciers
  35. Rocks and Landforms
  36. Rocks and Rifles
  37. Rocky Shores: Exploitation in Chile and South Africa
  38. Rodent Bioacoustics
  39. Rodent Model as Tools in Ethical Biomedical Research
  40. Rodent Models of Stroke
  41. Rodent Models of Stroke
  42. Rodent Quality Control: Genes and Bugs
  43. Rodent Transplant Medicine
  44. Rodent Transplant Medicine
  45. Rodents in Desert Environments
  46. Roderick M. Chisholm
  47. Rodolphe Bresdin
  48. Rodolphe Bresdin
  49. Rods, Sets and Arrows
  50. Roger Bacon and the Incorruptible Human, 1220-1292
  51. Rogue Banking: A History of Financial Fraud in Interwar Britain
  52. Rogue Performances
  53. Rogue States as Norm Entrepreneurs
  54. Rogue Waves in the Ocean
  55. Rogue and Shock Waves in Nonlinear Dispersive Media
  56. Roguelike Development with JavaScript
  57. Roh macht Froh
  58. Roheisenerzeugung
  59. Rohingya Camp Narratives
  60. Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Myanmar
  61. Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society
  62. Rohrhydraulik
  63. Rohrhydraulik
  64. Rohrhydraulik
  65. Rohrhydraulik
  66. Rohrhydraulik
  67. Rohrleitungen
  68. Rohrleitungen
  69. Rohrleitungen 1
  70. Rohrleitungen 2
  71. Rohrleitungen 2
  72. Rohrleitungen in neuzeitlichen Wärmekraftanlagen
  73. Rohrleitungs- und Apparatebau
  74. Rohrleitungsstatik
  75. Rohrnetzberechnungen in der Heiz- und Lüftungstechnik auf einheitlicher Grundlage
  76. Rohstoffe für neue Technologien
  77. Rohstoffpolitik in Europa
  78. Rohstoffwirtschaft und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung
  79. Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) Pharmakologische Grundlagen - Klinische Anwendung
  80. Roland Barthes
  81. Role Competency Matrix
  82. Role Differentiation in Chinese Higher Education
  83. Role Of Ballistic And Cruise Missiles In International Security
  84. Role Transitions
  85. Role of Apoptosis in Infection
  86. Role of Autophagy and Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer Treatment
  87. Role of Birds in Transmitting Zoonotic Pathogens
  88. Role of Blood Flow in Atherogenesis
  89. Role of Capsaicin in Oxidative Stress and Cancer
  90. Role of Circular Economy in Resource Sustainability
  91. Role of Data-Intensive Distributed Computing Systems in Designing Data Solutions
  92. Role of Domestic Courts in the Settlement of Investor-State Disputes
  93. Role of Exosomes in Biological Communication Systems
  94. Role of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce
  95. Role of Folliculo-luteal Function in Human Reproduction
  96. Role of GIS in Lifting the Cloud Off Chernobyl
  97. Role of Governance in Microfinance Sustainability
  98. Role of Herbal Medicines
  99. Role of IT- ITES in Economic Development of Asia
  100. Role of Interfaces in Environmental Protection
  101. Role of Language and Corporate Communication in Greater China
  102. Role of Melatonin and Pineal Peptides in Neuroimmunomodulation
  103. Role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Achieving SDGs
  104. Role of MicroRNAs in Cancers
  105. Role of Microbes in Sustainable Development
  106. Role of Microbial Communities for Sustainability
  107. Role of Micronutrients in Brain Health
  108. Role of Microorganisms in Pathogenesis and Management of Autoimmune Diseases
  109. Role of Microorganisms in Pathogenesis and Management of Autoimmune Diseases
  110. Role of Mulching in Pest Management and Agricultural Sustainability
  111. Role of Mutation Breeding In Floriculture Industry
  112. Role of Nitric Oxide in Sepsis and ADRS
  113. Role of Nutrients in Neurological Disorders
  114. Role of Oxidative Stress in Pathophysiology of Diseases
  115. Role of Phenolic Phytochemicals in Diabetes Management
  116. Role of Physical Exercise in Preventing Disease and Improving the Quality of Life
  117. Role of Potassium in Abiotic Stress
  118. Role of Potassium in Plants
  119. Role of Potassium in Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine
  120. Role of Proteases in Cellular Dysfunction
  121. Role of Proteases in the Pathophysiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  122. Role of RNA and DNA in Brain Function
  123. Role of Rainfall and Catchment Characteristics on Urban Stormwater Quality
  124. Role of Reinsurance in the World
  125. Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil
  126. Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil
  127. Role of Science and Technology for Sustainable Future
  128. Role of Seismic Testing Facilities in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
  129. Role of Signaling Pathways in Brain Tumorigenesis
  130. Role of Single Board Computers (SBCs) in rapid IoT Prototyping
  131. Role of Transcription Factors in Gastrointestinal Malignancies
  132. Role of Tyrosine Kinases in Gastrointestinal Malignancies
  133. Role of Women Parliamentarians in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in India
  134. Role of the Choroid Plexus in Health and Disease
  135. Role of the Transcriptome in Breast Cancer Prevention
  136. Role-Playing Games in Psychotherapy
  137. Role-Playing Games of Japan
  138. Roles and Ideologies in the Czech Foreign Policy: the Case of European Migration Crisis
  139. Roles and Performances in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
  140. Roles of Financial Institutions and Credit Guarantees in Regional Revitalization in Japan
  141. Roles of Host Gene and Non-coding RNA Expression in Virus Infection
  142. Roles of Skeletal Muscle in Organ Development
  143. Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities in UK Education
  144. Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets
  145. Rolf Dieter Brinkmann
  146. Rolle des Chief Digital Officer (CDO) im Rahmen der digitalen Transformation von Unternehmen
  147. Rolle und Ausgestaltung des Risikomanagements im Mittelstand
  148. Rolle, Status, Erwartungen und soziale Gruppe
  149. Rollen und Berechtigungskonzepte
  150. Rollen und Berechtigungskonzepte
  151. Rollenkonfigurationen Rollenfunktionen und Gesundheit
  152. Rollenmodelle der Führung
  153. Rollennahtschweißen von Feinblechen verschiedener Beschaffenheit unter 0,5 mm mit besonderer Berücksichtigung verzinnter Bleche
  154. Rollenspiel als Forschungsmethode
  155. Rollenspiele im Assessment Center
  156. Rollenspiele in Kommunikations- und Verhaltenstrainings
  157. Rollenspielpraxis im Führungstraining
  158. Rollenverständnis und Vergütung des deutschen Aufsichtsrats
  159. Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA)
  160. Rolling Contact Fatigue in a Vacuum
  161. Rolling Contact Phenomena
  162. Rolling Out 5G
  163. Rolling Out New Products Across International Markets
  164. Rolls-Royce
  165. Rolls-Royce
  166. Rolls-Royce
  167. Roloff / Matek Maschinenelemen e Formelsammlung
  168. Roloff / Matek Maschinenelemente
  169. Roloff / Matek Maschinenelemente
  170. Roloff / Matek Maschinenelemente
  171. Roloff / Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  172. Roloff/Matek Bauteilkatalog
  173. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  174. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  175. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  176. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  177. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  178. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  179. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  180. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  181. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  182. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente
  183. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  184. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  185. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  186. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  187. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  188. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Aufgabensammlung
  189. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  190. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  191. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  192. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  193. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  194. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  195. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  196. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  197. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  198. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  199. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Formelsammlung
  200. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente Lehrhilfe