25191 publications

  1. Symptomorientierte Diagnostik bei Aphasien
  2. Symptomorientierte onkologische Therapie
  3. Symptomorientierte onkologische Therapie
  4. Symptomorientierte onkologische Therapie
  5. Symptoms and Signs in Pediatric Surgery
  6. SynDEVS Co-Design Flow
  7. Synapse Development
  8. Synaptic Mechanisms in the Auditory System
  9. Synaptic Modifications and Memory
  10. Synaptic Modulators
  11. Synaptic Plasticity
  12. Synaptic Plasticity and Transsynaptic Signaling
  13. Synaptic Plasticity and the Mechanism of Alzheimer's Disease
  14. Synaptic Plasticity in Pain
  15. Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus
  16. Synaptic Stress and Pathogenesis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
  17. Synaptic Tagging and Capture
  18. Synaptic Tagging and Capture
  19. Synaptic Vesicles
  20. Synaptisches Management
  21. Synaptosomes
  22. Synbio and Human Health
  23. Synbiotics for the Management of Cancer
  24. Synbiotics in Human Health: Biology to Drug Delivery
  25. Sync Problems Collection
  26. Synchronicity as Transpersonal Modality
  27. Synchronisation in Mehrrechner-Datenbanksystemen
  28. Synchronisation in kooperativen Systemen
  29. Synchronisation in verteilten Systemen
  30. Synchronisation in zentralisierten Datenbanksystemen
  31. Synchronisation nonverbalen Verhaltens
  32. Synchronisieren ist das Neue Selling
  33. Synchronization
  34. Synchronization Control for Large-Scale Network Systems
  35. Synchronization Control of Markovian Complex Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays
  36. Synchronization Design for Digital Systems
  37. Synchronization Techniques for Chaotic Communication Systems
  38. Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers
  39. Synchronization and Triggering: from Fracture to Earthquake Processes
  40. Synchronization and Waves in Active Media
  41. Synchronization for Wave Equations with Locally Distributed Controls
  42. Synchronization in Infinite-Dimensional Deterministic and Stochastic Systems
  43. Synchronization in Networks of Nonlinear Circuits
  44. Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks
  45. Synchronization in Real-Time Systems
  46. Synchronization of EEG Activity in Epilepsies
  47. Synchronization of Integral and Fractional Order Chaotic Systems
  48. Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Disturbances and Delays
  49. Synchronization: Theory and Application
  50. Synchronized Factories
  51. Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications
  52. Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications
  53. Synchronizing E-Security
  54. Synchronizing Internet Protocol Security (SIPSec)
  55. Synchronous Equivalence
  56. Synchronous Generators and Excitation Systems Operating in a Power System
  57. Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems
  58. Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches to Teaching
  59. Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers
  60. Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers
  61. Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers
  62. Synchrotron Radiation
  63. Synchrotron Radiation
  64. Synchrotron Radiation
  65. Synchrotron Radiation Applied to Biophysical and Biochemical Research
  66. Synchrotron Radiation Research
  67. Synchrotron Radiation Research
  68. Synchrotron Radiation Science and Applications
  69. Synchrotron Radiation Techniques in Industrial, Chemical, and Materials Science
  70. Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology I
  71. Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology II
  72. Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology III
  73. Synchrotron Radiation in Structural Biology
  74. Synchrotron Radiation: Selected Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics
  75. Synchrotron Techniques in Interfacial Electrochemistry
  76. Synconomy
  77. Syncope
  78. Syncope
  79. Syncytia: Origin, Structure, and Functions
  80. Syndicalism in France
  81. Syndicated Loans
  82. Syndizierung von Venture-Capital-Investitionen
  83. Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  84. Syndrome der akuten Alkoholintoxikation und ihre forensische Bedeutung
  85. Syndrome-based Approach to Diagnosis
  86. Syndromes douloureux chroniques en médecine physique et de réadaptation
  87. Syndromes of Hormone Resistance on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis
  88. Synergetic Cities: Information, Steady State and Phase Transition
  89. Synergetic Computers and Cognition
  90. Synergetic Computers and Cognition
  91. Synergetic Cooperation Between Robots and Humans
  92. Synergetic Cooperation between Robots and Humans
  93. Synergetic Economics
  94. Synergetic Phenomena in Active Lattices
  95. Synergetics
  96. Synergetics
  97. Synergetics
  98. Synergetics
  99. Synergetics
  100. Synergetics
  101. Synergetics
  102. Synergetics
  103. Synergetics and Fractals in Tribology
  104. Synergetics of Cognition
  105. Synergetics of Measurement, Prediction and Control
  106. Synergetics of Molecular Systems
  107. Synergetics of the Brain
  108. Synergetics — From Microscopic to Macroscopic Order
  109. Synergetik
  110. Synergetik
  111. Synergetik und Marktprozesse
  112. Synergetische Präventivmedizin
  113. Synergie- und Nutzungspotenziale von Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen
  114. Synergieeffekte bei Unternehmenskäufen
  115. Synergiemanagement
  116. Synergiemanagement im Konzern
  117. Synergiemanagement und Akquisitionserfolg
  118. Synergien bei Unternehmensakquisitionen
  119. Synergien in Rechtsprechung und Rechnungslegung
  120. Synergieorientierte Unternehmensintegration
  121. Synergies Between Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering
  122. Synergies in Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Soft Computing and Modelling
  123. Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis
  124. Synergy Development in Renewables Assisted Multi-carrier Systems
  125. Synergy Matters
  126. Synergy Value and Strategic Management
  127. Synergy of Community Policing and Technology
  128. Synesthesia
  129. Syngas Production: Status and Potential for Implementation in Russian Industry
  130. Syngas from Waste
  131. Synge
  132. Synge and the Irish Language
  133. Syngenesis and Epigenesis in the Formation of Mineral Deposits
  134. Synoniemen van geneesmiddelnamen
  135. Synopsis der biologischen und mechanischen Kreislaufunterstützung
  136. Synopsis of Javanese Literature 900–1900 A.D.
  137. Synopsis of Pathophysiology in Nuclear Medicine
  138. Synopsis of Pathophysiology in Nuclear Medicine
  139. Synoptic Eddies in the Ocean
  140. Synoptic—Dynamic Meteorology and Weather Analysis and Forecasting
  141. Synoptische Meteorologie
  142. Synoptische Meteorologie
  143. Synoptische Meteorologie
  144. Synovial Fluid Analysis and The Evaluation of Patients With Arthritis
  145. Syntactic Change in Medieval French
  146. Syntactic Networks—Kernel Memory Approach
  147. Syntactic Parsing Strategies in Italian
  148. Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Applications
  149. Syntactic Variables
  150. Syntactic Wordclass Tagging
  151. Syntactic and Structural Pattern Recognition
  152. Syntactic n-grams in Computational Linguistics
  153. Syntaktische Grenzen
  154. Syntax
  155. Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions
  156. Syntax der Landschaft
  157. Syntax des gesprochenen Deutsch
  158. Syntax fürs Examen
  159. Syntax in Fachkommunikation
  160. Syntax of Landscape
  161. Syntax-Based Collocation Extraction
  162. Syntax-Directed Semantics
  163. Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation
  164. Syntaxbasierte Programmierwerkzeuge
  165. Synthese der Kohlenstoffverbindungen
  166. Synthese der Kohlenstoffverbindungen
  167. Synthese der Zellbausteine in Pflanze und Tier
  168. Synthese der geschützten Teilsequenzen des B-Proteins vom Bacteriophagen fd
  169. Synthese der Ƶellbausteine in Pflanze und Tier
  170. Synthese des Rohrzuckers und analoger Disaccharide
  171. Synthese hochpolymerer Stoffe
  172. Synthese und Anwendung von Biomolekül-basierten NHCs und bidentaten NHCs
  173. Synthese und Chemilumineszenz-Eigenschaften von substituierten Naphthalindicarbonsäure-1.2- und Stilbendicarbonsäure-2.3-hydraziden
  174. Synthese und Eigenschaften von heterocyclischen Verbindungen mit Adamantan-Struktur
  175. Synthese und Simulation dreidimensionaler Hand-Arm-Bewegungen an manuellen Montagearbeitsplätzen
  176. Synthese von Polysacchariden. Neuere Ergebnisse der Getreide- und Brotforschung
  177. Synthesen mit Kohlenmonoxyd
  178. Synthesen mit Kohlenmonoxyd
  179. Synthesen und Abbau von Oligosacchariden
  180. Synthesen und Abbau von Oligosacchariden mit verzweigten Ketten
  181. Synthesen und Reaktionen von Epoxy- und Episulfido-Verbindungen
  182. Synthesen und Reaktionsfähigkeit von 2.5-Endoxi- und 2.5.-Endimino-1.4-Dithianen
  183. Syntheses of Fluoroorganic Compounds
  184. Syntheses of Heterocyclic Compounds
  185. Syntheses of Natural Products
  186. Synthesis
  187. Synthesis and Analysis Methods for Safety and Reliability Studies
  188. Synthesis and Application of Organoboron Compounds
  189. Synthesis and Applications of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites
  190. Synthesis and Applications of Nanoparticles
  191. Synthesis and Backward Reference in Husserl’s Logical Investigations
  192. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Pyrrole–Imidazole Polyamide Probes for Visualization of Telomeres
  193. Synthesis and Characterisation of Non-Fullerene Electron Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics
  194. Synthesis and Characterization of Glycosides
  195. Synthesis and Characterization of Glycosides
  196. Synthesis and Characterization of Glycosides
  197. Synthesis and Characterization of Piezotronic Materials for Application in Strain/Stress Sensing
  198. Synthesis and Control of Discrete Event Systems
  199. Synthesis and Degradation Rheology and Extrusion
  200. Synthesis and Device Applications of Graphene Derivatives and Quantum Dots