5128 publications

  1. Vaccines
  2. Vaccines
  3. Vaccines
  4. Vaccines against Allergies
  5. Vaccines for Invasive Fungal Infections
  6. Vaccines for Neglected Pathogens: Strategies, Achievements and Challenges
  7. Vaccines for Pandemic Influenza
  8. Vaccines in Society
  9. Vaccines, Medicines and COVID-19
  10. Vaccines: A Biography
  11. Vaccines: Are they Worth a Shot?
  12. Vaccinia Virus
  13. Vaccinia Virus and Poxvirology
  14. Vaccinia Virus and Poxvirology
  15. Vaccinophobia and Vaccine Controversies of the 21st Century
  16. Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Aviation Variable Frequency Power System
  17. Vacuum Drying for Extending Food Shelf-Life
  18. Vacuum Electronics
  19. Vacuum Manual
  20. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques
  21. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques
  22. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques
  23. Vacuum Structure in Intense Fields
  24. Vacuum Technology
  25. Vade Mecum für Unternehmenskäufe
  26. Vademecum Labormedizin
  27. Vademecum de l’ingénieur en musique
  28. Vademecum der Laboratoriumsmedizin
  29. Vademecum für den An- und Verkauf von Apotheken
  30. Vademecum permanente nascholing huisartsen
  31. Vademekum für Vermessungstechnik
  32. Vagaler Herztonus und Herzfrequenz unter dem Einfluß von Injektionsanaesthetika
  33. Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse
  34. Vaginalsonographie im ersten Schwangerschaftsdrittel
  35. Vaginose, Vaginitis und Zervizitis
  36. Vaginose, Vaginitis, Zervizitis und Salpingitis
  37. Vagotomy
  38. Vagotomy and Pyloroplasty
  39. Vague Language Explored
  40. Vague Objects and Vague Identity
  41. Vaguely Defined Objects
  42. Vagueness
  43. Vagueness and Language Use
  44. Vagueness and Rationality in Language Use and Cognition
  45. Vagueness as Arbitrariness
  46. Vagueness in Communication
  47. Vagueness: A Guide
  48. Vagus Nerve Stimulation
  49. Vakbekwaam indiceren
  50. Vakbekwaam indiceren
  51. Vakuum-Metallurgie auf dem Gebiet der Nichteisen-Metalle. Anwendung der Vakuumbehandlung bei der Stahlerzeugung
  52. Vakuumbeschichtung
  53. Vakuumbeschichtung
  54. Vakuumbeschichtung
  55. Valence Instabilities and Related Narrow-Band Phenomena
  56. Valency
  57. Valenzkräfte und Röntgenspektren
  58. Valenzkräfte und Röntgenspektren
  59. Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems
  60. Validating Neuro-Computational Models of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
  61. Validating Psychological Constructs
  62. Validating RDF Data
  63. Validating Technological Innovation
  64. Validation Numerics
  65. Validation and Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Land Surface Temperature Products
  66. Validation and Verification of Automated Systems
  67. Validation and Verification of Knowledge Based Systems
  68. Validation in Chemical Measurement
  69. Validation of Alternative Methods for Toxicity Testing
  70. Validation of Bioanalytical Methods
  71. Validation of Evolving Software
  72. Validation of Stochastic Systems
  73. Validierung bioanalytischer Methoden
  74. Validierung computergesteuerter Analysensysteme
  75. Validity and Validation in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences
  76. Validity of Educational Assessments in Chile and Latin America
  77. Validity, Reliability, and Significance
  78. Validity, Reliability, and Significance
  79. Validität computergestützter hybrider Conjoint-Analysen
  80. Validität klinisch-chemischer Befunde
  81. Valkuilen in de orthopedische diagnostiek
  82. Vallen en opstaan in de adolescentie
  83. Valode & Pistre Architects
  84. Valorisation of Agro-industrial Residues – Volume I: Biological Approaches
  85. Valorisation of Agro-industrial Residues – Volume II: Non-Biological Approaches
  86. Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads
  87. Valorization of Biomass Wastes for Environmental Sustainability
  88. Valorization of Biomass to Value-Added Commodities
  89. Valproate
  90. Valproinsäure
  91. Valproinsäure
  92. Valuation Theory
  93. Valuation and Conservation of Biodiversity
  94. Valuation and Sustainability
  95. Valuation and Volatility
  96. Valuation for Accountants
  97. Valuation in Life Sciences
  98. Valuation in Life Sciences
  99. Valuation in Life Sciences
  100. Valuation of Convertible Bonds when Investors Act Strategically
  101. Valuation of Human Capital
  102. Valuation of Network Effects in Software Markets
  103. Valuation of Renewable Energy Investments
  104. Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets
  105. Valuations of Early-Stage Companies and Disruptive Technologies
  106. Valuations of Skew Fields and Projective Hjelmslev Spaces
  107. Value
  108. Value Added Heat Map
  109. Value Added Products From Bioalgae Based Biorefineries: Opportunities and Challenges
  110. Value Added Products From Food Waste
  111. Value Addition of Horticultural Crops: Recent Trends and Future Directions
  112. Value Based Performance Measures
  113. Value Based and Intelligent Asset Management
  114. Value Capture in Disintegrated Value Chains
  115. Value Chain Dynamics in a Biodiverse Environment
  116. Value Chain Management in the Chemical Industry
  117. Value Chain Marketing
  118. Value Chains and WTO Disputes
  119. Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa
  120. Value Co-Creation Processes in Circular Firms
  121. Value Construction in the Creative Economy
  122. Value Creation for Owners and Directors
  123. Value Creation for a Sustainable World
  124. Value Creation in E-Business Management
  125. Value Creation in European Equity Carve-Outs
  126. Value Creation in International Business
  127. Value Creation in International Business
  128. Value Creation in Leveraged Buyouts
  129. Value Creation in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances
  130. Value Creation in Successful LBOs
  131. Value Creation of Firm-Established Brand Communities
  132. Value Creation through Engineering Excellence
  133. Value Creation, Reporting, and Signaling for Human Capital and Human Assets
  134. Value Determination of Supply Chain Initiatives
  135. Value Distribution Theory
  136. Value Distribution Theory
  137. Value Distribution Theory
  138. Value Distribution Theory Related to Number Theory
  139. Value Distribution Theory and Related Topics
  140. Value Distribution Theory for Meromorphic Maps
  141. Value Distribution Theory of the Gauss Map of Minimal Surfaces in Rm
  142. Value Distribution of Holomorphic Maps into Compact Complex Manifolds
  143. Value Distribution of Meromorphic Functions
  144. Value Distribution on Parabolic Spaces
  145. Value Driven Healthcare and Geriatric Medicine
  146. Value Driven Product Planning and Systems Engineering
  147. Value Economics
  148. Value Engineering in Artificial Intelligence
  149. Value Functions for Environmental Management
  150. Value Functions on Simple Algebras, and Associated Graded Rings
  151. Value Management in Construction
  152. Value Networks in Manufacturing
  153. Value Proposition
  154. Value Rational Engineering
  155. Value Realization in the Phygital Reality Market
  156. Value Reasoning
  157. Value Reporting
  158. Value Sets for EQ-5D-5L
  159. Value Stream Design
  160. Value System Design
  161. Value Theory
  162. Value Theory and Economic Progress: The Institutional Economics of J. Fagg Foster
  163. Value and Capital: Fifty Years Later
  164. Value and Virtue in Public Administration
  165. Value and the Humanities
  166. Value and the World Economy Today
  167. Value at Risk für Kreditinstitute
  168. Value at Risk-Quantifizierung unter Verwendung von Hochfrequenzdaten
  169. Value in Business
  170. Value in a Digital World
  171. Value of Information and Flexibility
  172. Value, Historicity, and Economic Epistemology
  173. Value, Social Form and the State
  174. Value-Based Approaches to Spine Care
  175. Value-Based Consulting
  176. Value-Based Management in Mittelstand
  177. Value-Based Performance Management
  178. Value-Based Software Engineering
  179. Value-Based Working Capital Management
  180. Value-Co-Creation in sozialen Netzwerken
  181. Value-Creating Global Citizenship Education
  182. Value-Creating Global Citizenship Education for Sustainable Development
  183. Value-Distribution of L-Functions
  184. Value-Focused Business Process Engineering : a Systems Approach
  185. Value-Oriented Leadership in Theory and Practice
  186. Value-Oriented Media Management
  187. Value-Oriented Risk Management of Insurance Companies
  188. Value-Range Analysis of C Programs
  189. Value-added Management with Design of Experiments
  190. Value-added Products from Algae
  191. Value-at-Risk Ansätze zur Abschätzung von Marktrisiken
  192. Value-based Radiology
  193. Value-driven Management for International Development and Aid Projects
  194. Value-ology
  195. Valued Fields
  196. Values
  197. Values Cockpits
  198. Values Deliberation and Collective Action
  199. Values Education and Lifelong Learning
  200. Values Education and Quality Teaching