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Neurogenomics: from the bench to the clinic

Participating journal: Genome Medicine
Genome Medicine is calling for submissions to a new Collection on the interpretation and application of genetic and genomic variation in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disorders, guest edited by Daniel Geschwind and Dr Jessica Rexach.

Participating journal

Submit your manuscript to this collection through the participating journal.


Genome Medicine

Uniquely positioned at the interface between omics and medicine, Genome Medicine is BMC's flagship journal focusing on the application of genetics, genomics and multi-omics to...


  • Daniel Geschwind, MD, PhD

    Dr Geschwind is the Gordon and Virginia MacDonald Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry and Human Genetics at UCLA. In his capacity as Senior Associate Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor of Precision Health, he leads the Institute for Precision Health (IPH) at UCLA. In his laboratory, his group has pioneered the application of systems biology methods in neurologic and psychiatric disease, with a focus on autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and neurodegenerative conditions.
  • Jessica Rexach, MD, PhD

    Dr Jessica Rexach is currently a physician-scientist and Assistant Professor in the UCLA Neurogenetics Program with clinical specialty in neurodegenerative disorders affecting cognition and dementia. She completed her postdoctoral research training in the laboratory of Dr Daniel Geschwind. Dr Rexach’s research uses human genetics and systems biology to understand immune signaling in Alzheimer’s and associated dementias with the goal of developing immune-targeted therapies.

