This Topical Collection will be focused on the development of innovative materials with potential applications in the environmental remediation field emphasizing their unique properties. The Topical Collection entitled “Nanomaterials for Environmental Application: Engineering, Geology and Remediation” calls for cutting-edge research and reviews papers that explore the latest advances in nanomaterials for environmental remediation applications (soil, water, air). This collection will be focused on the removal efficiency of these new materials, soil mineralogy, and the exploration and mitigation of associated risks with the uses of these nanomaterials. Complex experimental studies on the use of new nanomaterials to improve soil properties will help the scientific community to better understand the interaction mechanism between the clay particles and the new nanomaterials (including features regarding bioavailability and geochemical stability of heavy metals, soil composition, and microbial diversity in soils, etc.), are also welcomed. The submission of papers that address the subject regarding the uses of nanomaterials that could improve water treatment efficiency (pharmaceuticals/removal of dyes/heavy metals/organic contaminants) is also encouraged. Additionally, the Collection will be focused on contributions that present and discuss the properties, risks, advantages and disadvantages of nanomaterials uses in applications such as adsorbents, filtration, microbial decontamination, membrane materials, etc. and which aim to elucidate their impact on the remediation and quality of the environment (water, air, soil).
Keywords: Water treatment, soil remediation, removal efficiency, soil mineralogy, nanomaterials risk, environmental contaminants