There is a long history of novel techniques and observations having a profound impact in cardiovascular physiology and medicine. Given the importance of the cardiovascular system in both health and disease, it is no surprise that there is a long history of innovation in measurement and assessment that have helped underpin basic and applied studies of the human heart and vasculature. Some elements of cardiovascular structure and function are relatively easy to assess in humans; such as heart rate; but other crucial facets are more complicated to measure accurately using non-invasive techniques; such as muscle blood flow. It is, of course, vital that our invasive or non-invasive tools to measure cardiovascular structure and function are both valid and reliable, as these parameters will underpin their utility in human physiology studies. With these issues in mind, this series will cover a historical timeline of measurement tool development, evaluate validity and reliability, as well as discuss the utility and limitations of each tool when interrogating various aspects of human health and physiology.