Weed infestation is one of the major constraints and yield-compromising factors in crop cultivation. Weed management in field crops incurs huge cultivation costs. Many times application herbicides is proposed as the best option for weed control. However, there are many concerns associated with the herbicide application. Apart from herbicide resistance, the know-how of how, how much, and when to apply herbicide makes it a knowledge intensive process. Adverse environmental outcome in the long run is also a big concern under inappropriate herbicide disposal. Cost effective and ecofriendly methods of weed management need to be innovated to sustain the field crop production. Thus, this Topical Collection of Discover Agriculture will highlight the insights of cultivation methods and different sustainable options for weed management in field crops. Authors are welcome to consider the sustainability aspects of weed management in detail, we welcome articles on the most recent research discoveries, valuable insights, and technological innovations in the area of weed management in field crops.
Keywords: Weed management, Herbicide resistance, herbicide tolerant crop, bioherbicide, integrated weed management
This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 1, SDG 2, SDG13, and SDG 15.