Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in boys. The surgical repair of hypospadias remains a challenge for hypospadiologists. There are more than 400 different types of surgical procedures described for hypospadias, and the choice of the procedure varies among surgeons across the globe. Several debatable topics, such as staged or single-stage repair, method of correction of chordee, the preservation or division of urethral plate and so on, exist in the field of hypospadiology.
Therefore, this comprehensive article collection will look to include a diversity of research and opinion papers from around the globe on topics including, but not limited to:
· different surgical techniques for the management of hypospadias
· short-term postoperative outcomes
· long-term outcomes in terms of quality of life & sexuality
· molecular & genetic research
· vascular dysfunction in hypospadias.
Submissions from hypospadiologists are invited on topics related to their research and clinical expertise. We welcome original research papers (both basic and clinical research), technical descriptions, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, case reports, narrative reviews, debates and study protocols.