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Special Issue (by invitation only): Lakes as Memories of the Territory

Participating journal: Journal of Paleolimnology

Lakes have memory, as they record in their sediments all the events that happen on Earth. In order to interpret and disentangle the complexities of these memories it is necessary more than a Paleolimnological approach. In this sense, the interdisciplinarity and even the trans-disciplinarity with science fields such as Archaeology or Anthropology, are fundamental to decode the collective memory of lakes, built by natural and cultural processes. Territory is the socio-ecological-cultural-political and even, the economical space. To read the past, we need the context of the Territory, especially during the Anthropocene immerse in the Anthroposphere which we humans and our activities are part of. This special issue intends to be a trans-disciplinary compilation of lakes studies, considering them as a socio-ecosystems. The contributions from these diverse approaches will foster a precious narrative of lakes.

Participating journal

Journal of Paleolimnology is a multidisciplinary journal focused on the reconstruction and interpretation of lake histories.


  • Julieta Massaferro

    CENAC, CONICET, Bariloche, Argentina. E-mail:
  • Eugenia de Porras

    IANIGLA, CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina. E-mail:
  • Gabriela S. Hassan

    Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina. E-mail:


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