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Shigueo Watanabe: a long life dedicated to Science and Education in Physics

Participating journal: Brazilian Journal of Physics
A topical collection in honor of Prof. Shigueo Watanabe.

To submit a manuscript to this Special Issue, click at "Submit manuscript" in the main journal webpage and follow the instructions. Then under the "Details" tab, select the collection name in the pull-down menu.

Participating journal

The Brazilian Journal of Physics is a global platform for research in experimental, theoretical, and computational physics.


  • Stephen McKeever

    Stephen McKeever

    Oklahoma State University, USA
  • Takayoshi Yamamoto

    Takayoshi Yamamoto

    Osaka University, Japan
  • Helen Jamil Khoury

    Helen Jamil Khoury

    Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
  • Oswaldo Baffa

    Oswaldo Baffa

    University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


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