Neural Processing Letters is an international journal that promotes fast exchange of the current state-of-the art contributions among the artificial neural network community of researchers and users. The Journal publishes technical articles on various aspects of artificial neural networks and machine learning systems. Coverage includes novel architectures, supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, deep nets, learning theory, network dynamics, self-organization, optimization, biological neural network modelling, and hybrid neural/fuzzy logic/genetic systems. The Journal publishes articles on methodological innovations for the applications of the aforementioned systems in classification, pattern recognition, signal processing, image and video processing, robotics, control, autonomous vehicles, financial forecasting, big data analytics, and other multidisciplinary applications.
- Editors-in-Chief
- Michel Verleysen,
- Mohamad H. Hassoun
- Journal Impact Factor
- 2.6 (2023)
- 5-year Journal Impact Factor
- 2.4 (2023)
- Submission to first decision (median)
- 3 days
- Downloads
- 340,520 (2023)
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Journal updates
Neural Processing Letters is now fully open access!
We are excited to announce that Neural Processing Letters has now become a fully open access (OA) journal as of January 2024. This means that we will only be publishing articles as Open Access meaning content will be and freely available to readers worldwide, enabling the widest possible dissemination and reuse.
Collections - Guest Editor Guidelines
Instructions and submission form for call for papers
Collections - Call for Papers
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Journal information
- Electronic ISSN
- 1573-773X
- Print ISSN
- 1370-4621
- Abstracted and indexed in
- ACM Digital Library
- BFI List
- Baidu
- Dimensions
- EI Compendex
- Google Scholar
- Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- Naver
- OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
- Portico
- ProQuest
- SCImago
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
- TD Net Discovery Service
- UGC-CARE List (India)
- Wanfang
- Copyright information
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature