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Unreal Engine, A 3D Game Engine

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Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games


Game engine; Game physics engine


Game engine = A game engine is a software framework designed to help developers create video games. A game engine typically includes a graphics engine, a physics engine, an audio engine, and other modules that handle game logic, artificial intelligence, networking, and other aspects of game development.

Game physics engine = A game physics engine is a software library or module that provides the tools and algorithms needed to simulate realistic physics in a video game. A physics engine typically includes a variety of tools and algorithms for simulating physical interactions between objects in the game world, such as rigid body dynamics, soft body dynamics, fluids, and cloth simulations. It also handles collision detection and resolution, which is essential for accurately simulating physical interactions between objects.


Unreal Engine is a 3D computer graphics game engine developed by Epic Games. It is used to create...

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  • Machkovech, S.: Unreal Engine is now royalty-free until a game makes a whopping $1 million. Ars Technica (May 13, 2020). Retrieved May 13, 2020

    Google Scholar 

  • Plante, C.: Better with Age: A History of Epic Games. Polygon (October 1, 2012).

    Google Scholar 

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Lee, N. (2023). Unreal Engine, A 3D Game Engine. In: Lee, N. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-08234-9

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-08234-9

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Computer SciencesReference Module Computer Science and Engineering

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