27554 publications

  1. Accountability and Security in the Cloud
  2. Accountability and Transparency in the Modern Anthropocene
  3. Accountability and the Public Interest in Broadcasting
  4. Accountability for International Humanitarian Law Violations: The Case of Rwanda and East Timor
  5. Accountability in American Higher Education
  6. Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships
  7. Accountability in Social Research
  8. Accountability, Ethics and Sustainability of Organizations
  9. Accountability, Transparency and Democracy in the Functioning of Bretton Woods Institutions
  10. Accountable and Explainable Methods for Complex Reasoning over Text
  11. Accountancy
  12. Accountancy and Social Responsibility
  13. Accountancy’s Faulty Sums
  14. Accountants’ Professional Negligence
  15. Accounting Case Studies
  16. Accounting Choices in Family Firms
  17. Accounting Conservatism and the Stock Market
  18. Accounting Control and Financial Strategy
  19. Accounting Control and Financial Strategy
  20. Accounting Fraud
  21. Accounting Information Disclosure and Collective Bargaining
  22. Accounting Information Systems for Decision Making
  23. Accounting Information and Equity Valuation
  24. Accounting Quality landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen mit Tierbestand
  25. Accounting Reform in Transition and Developing Economies
  26. Accounting Regulation in Europe
  27. Accounting Skills
  28. Accounting and Causal Effects
  29. Accounting and Financial System Reform in a Transition Economy: A Case Study of Russia
  30. Accounting and Financial Systems Reform in Eastern Europe and Asia
  31. Accounting and Regulation
  32. Accounting and Statistical Analyses for Sustainable Development
  33. Accounting at Durham Cathedral Priory
  34. Accounting for Affection
  35. Accounting for Business Organisations
  36. Accounting for Climate Change
  37. Accounting for Colonialism
  38. Accounting for Constraints in Delay Systems
  39. Accounting for Cultural Heritage Management
  40. Accounting for Management Control
  41. Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives
  42. Accounting for the Global Economy
  43. Accounting for the Public Interest
  44. Accounting for the Varieties of Volunteering
  45. Accounting in a Business Context
  46. Accounting in a Business Context
  47. Accounting in an Inflationary Environment
  48. Accounting in an Inflationary Environment
  49. Accounting und Unternehmensfinanzierung
  50. Accounting, Accountability and Society
  51. Accounting, Capitalism and the Revealed Religions
  52. Accounting, Cash Flow and Value Relevance
  53. Accounting, Finance, and Taxation in the Gulf Countries
  54. Accounting: An Introduction
  55. Accounts on Sustainable Flow Chemistry
  56. Accreditation and Evaluation in the European Higher Education Area
  57. Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry
  58. Accretion Disks and Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics
  59. Accretion Disks — New Aspects
  60. Accretion Flows in Astrophysics
  61. Accretion and Winds
  62. Accretion discs, jets and high energy phenomena in astrophysics
  63. Accretion of Extraterrestrial Matter Throughout Earth’s History
  64. Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin
  65. Acculturation and Occupation: A Study of the 1956 Hungarian Refugees in the United States
  66. Acculturation and Occupation: A Study of the 1956 Hungarian Refugees in the United States
  67. Accumulation in Post-Colonial Capitalism
  68. Accumulation of Organic Carbon in Marine Sediments
  69. Accuracy Enhancement Technologies for Micromachining Processes
  70. Accuracy Improvements in Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling
  71. Accuracy Verification Methods
  72. Accuracy and Fuzziness. A Life in Science and Politics
  73. Accuracy in Molecular Processes
  74. Accuracy of Element Abundances from Stellar Atmospheres
  75. Accurate Calibration of Raman Systems
  76. Accurate Case Outcome Modeling
  77. Accurate Computation of Mathieu Functions
  78. Accurate Layer Selections Using Photoshop’s Selection Tools
  79. Accurate Scientific Computations
  80. Accurate Structure Determination of Free Molecules
  81. Accurate Visual Metrology from Single and Multiple Uncalibrated Images
  82. Accurate and Robust Spectral Testing with Relaxed Instrumentation Requirements
  83. Accélération de la Convergence en Analyse Numérique
  84. Ace the PMI-ACP® exam
  85. Acedia-Menschen
  86. Acetabular Dysplasia
  87. Acetabular Fractures in Older Patients
  88. Acetabular Revision Surgery in Major Bone Defects
  89. Acetic Acid Bacteria
  90. Acetogenesis
  91. Acetylene and Its Polymers
  92. Acetylenverluste an Naßentwicklern
  93. Acetylsalicylsäure im Kardiovaskulären System
  94. Acetylthiocholinesterase Distribution in the Brain Stem of the Cat
  95. Ach, so ist das!
  96. Ach, so ist das?
  97. Achalasia
  98. Achievement Evaluation of IFI Assistance Loans to China (1981–2002)
  99. Achievement Motivation
  100. Achievement and Assurance of Safety
  101. Achievements and Legacy of the Obama Presidency
  102. Achievements in European Research on Grid Systems
  103. Achievements of The European Community First Energy R & D Programme
  104. Achievements, History and Challenges in Geophysics
  105. Achieving $5 Trillion Economy of India
  106. Achieving Brand Loyalty in China through After-Sales Services
  107. Achieving Building Comfort by Natural Means
  108. Achieving Business Agility
  109. Achieving Business Competitiveness in a Digital Environment
  110. Achieving Clinical Success in Lingual Orthodontics
  111. Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management
  112. Achieving Competitive Edge Getting Ahead Through Technology and People
  113. Achieving Consensus in Robot Swarms
  114. Achieving Democracy Through Interest Representation
  115. Achieving DevOps
  116. Achieving Dynamism in an Anaemic Europe
  117. Achieving Environmental Sustainability in the Sports Sector
  118. Achieving Equity and Quality in Higher Education
  119. Achieving Excellence in Medical Education
  120. Achieving Excellence in Medical Education
  121. Achieving Excellence in Stakeholder Management
  122. Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity
  123. Achieving Inclusive Education in the Caribbean and Beyond
  124. Achieving Justice in the U.S. Healthcare System
  125. Achieving Organizational Excellence
  126. Achieving Price, Financial and Macro-Economic Stability in South Africa
  127. Achieving Quality Education for All
  128. Achieving Quality Software
  129. Achieving Quality in Community Health Care Nursing
  130. Achieving Quality in Software
  131. Achieving Quality of Life at Work
  132. Achieving Resilience in Service Supply Chains
  133. Achieving Respiratory Health Equality
  134. Achieving Safety and Reliability with Computer Systems
  135. Achieving Social Impact
  136. Achieving Success and Innovation in Global Sourcing: Perspectives and Practices
  137. Achieving Success with the Engineering Dissertation
  138. Achieving Supply Chain Agility
  139. Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge
  140. Achieving Sustainable Business Excellence
  141. Achieving Sustainable E-Government in Pacific Island States
  142. Achieving Sustainable Workplace Wellbeing
  143. Achieving Systems Safety
  144. Achieving Teaching Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa
  145. Achieving Zero Hunger in India
  146. Achieving a Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
  147. Achieving and Sustaining Secured Business Operations
  148. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
  149. Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals
  150. Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals
  151. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal Against Poverty in Developing Nations
  152. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Through Sustainable Food Systems
  153. Achieving the Sustainable Management of Forests
  154. Achsen adoleszenter Zugehörigkeitsarbeit
  155. Achsendiagramme in der ökonomischen Bildung
  156. Acht Jugendporträts
  157. Acht Rechnungs-Tabellen zur schnellen Auffindung gleicher Gewichts-Mengen für den Handels- und Eisenbahn-Verkehr in Deutschland
  158. Acht- und Neunstellige Tabellen zu den Elliptischen Funktionen / Eight and Nine Place Tables of Elliptical Functions
  159. Achte Österreichische Ärztetagung Salzburg
  160. Achtes Kolloquium über Metallkundliche Analyse mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Elektronenstrahl- und Ionenstrahl-Mikroanalyse Wien, 27. bis 29. Oktober 1976
  161. Achtsame Selbsterkenntnis
  162. Achtsame Unternehmensführung
  163. Achtsames Prozessmanagement
  164. Achtsamkeit des Psychotherapeuten
  165. Achtsamkeit im Sport
  166. Achtsamkeit im Studium
  167. Achtsamkeit in Arbeitswelten
  168. Achtsamkeit in Bildungsprozessen
  169. Achtsamkeit in digitalen Zeiten
  170. Achtsamkeit und Innovation in integrierten Organisationen
  171. Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl
  172. Achtsamkeit und Wahrnehmung in Gesundheitsfachberufen
  173. Achtsamkeit und emotionale Intelligenz in Organisationen
  174. Achtsamkeitsbasierte Kognitive Seelsorge und Therapie
  175. Achtsamkeitstraining im Sport
  176. Achtundfünfzigster Kongress
  177. Achtundsiebzigster Kongress
  178. Achtundzwanzigste Versammlung Abgehalten zu Bad Pyrmont vom 4. bis 8. April 1951
  179. Achtung: Mathe und Statistik
  180. Achtung: Patient online!
  181. Achtung: Statistik
  182. Achtzehnjährige — zwischen Reaktion und Rebellion
  183. Achtzigster Kongress
  184. Acid Attacks in Britain, 1760–1975
  185. Acid Crime
  186. Acid Deposition
  187. Acid Deposition
  188. Acid Deposition and the Acidification of Soils and Waters
  189. Acid Deposition at High Elevation Sites
  190. Acid Deposition: Environmental, Economic, and Policy Issues
  191. Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa
  192. Acid Proteases: Structure, Function, and Biology
  193. Acid Rain
  194. Acid Rain - Deposition to Recovery
  195. Acid Rain Economic Assessment
  196. Acid Waters in Wales
  197. Acid in the Environment
  198. Acid rain 2000
  199. Acid-Base Balance and Nitrogen Excretion in Invertebrates
  200. Acid-Base Diagrams