27554 publications

  1. Action on Poverty in the UK
  2. Action, Ability and Health
  3. Action, Decision, and Intention
  4. Action, Detection and Shane Black
  5. Action, Meaning, and Argument in Eric Weil's Logic of Philosophy
  6. Action, Perception and the Brain
  7. Action-Based Quality Management
  8. Action: An Analysis of the Concept
  9. ActionScript 2
  10. Actionable Intelligence
  11. Actionable Postcolonial Theory in Education
  12. Actionable Science of Global Environment Change
  13. Actioning the Global Goals for Local Impact
  14. Actions of Progesterone on the Brain
  15. Actions of discrete amenable groups on von neumann algebras
  16. ActivEpi Companion Textbook
  17. Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom
  18. Activating and Inhibitory Immunoglobulin-like Receptors
  19. Activating the Citizen
  20. Activating the Tools of Social Media for Innovative Collaboration in the Enterprise
  21. Activation and Catalytic Reactions of Saturated Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Metal Complexes
  22. Activation and Desensitization of Transducing Pathways
  23. Activation and Detoxification Enzymes
  24. Activation and Detoxification Enzymes
  25. Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe
  26. Activation of Hormone and Growth Factor Receptors
  27. Activation of Unreactive Bonds and Organic Synthesis
  28. Activation of Viruses by Host Proteases
  29. Activation to Acquisition
  30. Activation, Metabolism and Perfusion of the Heart
  31. Activators and Inhibitors of Complement
  32. Active Ageing and Labour Market Engagement
  33. Active Ageing and Physical Activity
  34. Active Ageing in the European Union
  35. Active Ageing, Active Learning
  36. Active Anti-Roll Bar Control Design for Heavy Vehicles
  37. Active Array Antennas for High Resolution Microwave Imaging Radar
  38. Active Assessment: Assessing Scientific Inquiry
  39. Active Assisted Living
  40. Active Balancing of Bike Sharing Systems
  41. Active Borders in Europe
  42. Active Braking Control Systems Design for Vehicles
  43. Active Building Energy Systems
  44. Active Cancellation of Probing in Linear Dipole Phased Array
  45. Active Citizenship in Europe
  46. Active Close Binaries
  47. Active Cognition
  48. Active Collaborative Education
  49. Active Computer Vision by Cooperative Focus and Stereo
  50. Active Conceptual Modeling of Learning
  51. Active Continental Margins — Present and Past
  52. Active Contours
  53. Active Control of Bidirectional Structural Vibration
  54. Active Control of Flexible Structures
  55. Active Control of Magneto-hydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas
  56. Active Control of Offshore Steel Jacket Platforms
  57. Active Defense Mechanisms in Plants
  58. Active Directory Field Guide
  59. Active Education for Future Doctors
  60. Active Enterprise Intelligence™
  61. Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems
  62. Active Fault-Tolerant Control Systems
  63. Active Faults and Nuclear Regulation
  64. Active Filter Design
  65. Active Fixed Income and Credit Management
  66. Active Flow Control
  67. Active Flow Control II
  68. Active Flow and Combustion Control 2014
  69. Active Flow and Combustion Control 2018
  70. Active Flow and Combustion Control 2021
  71. Active Food Packaging
  72. Active Galactic Nuclei
  73. Active Galactic Nuclei
  74. Active Galactic Nuclei
  75. Active Glass for Photonic Devices
  76. Active House: Smart Nearly Zero Energy Buildings
  77. Active Implants and Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration
  78. Active Infective Aortic Valve Endocarditis with Infection Extension
  79. Active Inference
  80. Active Inference
  81. Active Inference
  82. Active Interrogation in Nuclear Security
  83. Active Intolerance
  84. Active Knowledge Modeling of Enterprises
  85. Active Labor Market Policies in Europe
  86. Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform
  87. Active Learning
  88. Active Learning from Infancy to Childhood
  89. Active Learning in College Science
  90. Active Learning in Political Science for a Post-Pandemic World
  91. Active Learning to Minimize the Possible Risk of Future Epidemics
  92. Active Lighting and Its Application for Computer Vision
  93. Active Matter Within and Around Us
  94. Active Media Technology
  95. Active Media Technology
  96. Active Media Technology
  97. Active Media Technology
  98. Active Media Technology
  99. Active Media Technology
  100. Active Media Technology
  101. Active Metamaterials
  102. Active Middleware Services
  103. Active Mining
  104. Active Multiplexing of Spectrally Engineered Heralded Single Photons in an Integrated Fibre Architecture
  105. Active Networks
  106. Active Networks
  107. Active Networks
  108. Active Networks
  109. Active Networks
  110. Active Networks
  111. Active Networks and Active Network Management
  112. Active Noise Control Primer
  113. Active Object Languages: Current Research Trends
  114. Active Office
  115. Active Office®
  116. Active Origami
  117. Active Oxygen in Biochemistry
  118. Active Oxygen in Biochemistry
  119. Active Oxygen in Chemistry
  120. Active Particles, Volume 1
  121. Active Particles, Volume 2
  122. Active Particles, Volume 3
  123. Active Perception and Robot Vision
  124. Active Perception in the History of Philosophy
  125. Active Plasmonic Devices
  126. Active Power Decoupling Technology in Single-Phase Current-Source Converters
  127. Active Price Management
  128. Active Probe Atomic Force Microscopy
  129. Active Processes and Otoacoustic Emissions in Hearing
  130. Active Protective Coatings
  131. Active Robust Optimization: Optimizing for Robustness of Changeable Products
  132. Active Rules in Database Systems
  133. Active Safety Methodologies of Rail Transportation
  134. Active Sensor Planning for Multiview Vision Tasks
  135. Active Structural Control with Stable Fuzzy PID Techniques
  136. Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer
  137. Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer
  138. Active System Control
  139. Active Technologies for Network and Service Management
  140. Active Tectonics of Kumaun and Garhwal Himalaya
  141. Active Terahertz Metamaterial for Biomedical Applications
  142. Active Transport through Animal Cell Membranes
  143. Active Vibration & Noise Control: Design Towards Performance Limit
  144. Active Vibration Control and Stability Analysis of Flexible Beam Systems
  145. Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape
  146. Active Volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón and Tacaná
  147. Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean
  148. Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures
  149. Active and Programmable Networks
  150. Active and Real-Time Database Systems (ARTDB-95)
  151. Active tectonics of the Hellenic subduction zone
  152. Active, Real-Time, and Temporal Database Systems
  153. Activism, Change and Sectarianism in the Free Patriotic Movement in Lebanon
  154. Activist Business Ethics
  155. Activist Business Ethics
  156. Activist Citizenship Education
  157. Activist Citizenship and the LGBT Movement in Serbia
  158. Activist Science and Technology Education
  159. Activists Speak Out
  160. Activists Speak Out
  161. Activities of Transport Telematics
  162. Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning
  163. Activity Measurement in Psychology and Medicine
  164. Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing
  165. Activity Patterns in Small Mammals
  166. Activity Recognition and Prediction for Smart IoT Environments
  167. Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments
  168. Activity Systems Analysis Methods
  169. Activity Theory in Education
  170. Activity Theory in Formal and Informal Science Education
  171. Activity Theory in HCI
  172. Activity and Behavior Computing
  173. Activity and Sign
  174. Activity in Cool Star Envelopes
  175. Activity in Marx’s Philosophy
  176. Activity in Marx’s Philosophy
  177. Activity in Red-Dwarf Stars
  178. Activity, Diet and Social Practice
  179. Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management
  180. Activity-Based Protein Profiling
  181. Activity-Based Protein Profiling
  182. Activity-Based Proteomics
  183. Activity-Based Statistics
  184. Actor-Network Dramaturgies
  185. Actor-Network Theory at the Movies
  186. Actors and the Art of Performance: Under Exposure
  187. Actors, Audiences, and Emotions in the Eighteenth Century
  188. Actors, Institutions, and the Making of EU Gender Equality Programs
  189. Acts of Belonging in Modern Societies
  190. Acts of Manhood
  191. Acts of Union
  192. Actualistic Taphonomy in South America
  193. Actualités en rééducation des maladies neuro-musculaires de l’adulte
  194. Actualités thérapeutiques dans les lymphomes
  195. Actuarial Aspects of Long Term Care
  196. Actuarial Science
  197. Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance
  198. Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance
  199. Actuators
  200. Acupuncture