24723 publications

  1. Decision-Making in the European Union
  2. Decision-Making under Uncertainty
  3. Decision-Oriented Educational Research
  4. Decision-making Analysis and Optimization Modeling of Emergency Warnings for Major Accidents
  5. Decision-making Strategies for Automated Driving in Urban Environments
  6. Decision-making in High-Risk Projects
  7. Decision-making in Humanitarian Operations
  8. Decision-making in the Stalinist Command Economy, 1932–37
  9. Decisions and Trends in Social Systems
  10. Decisions to Have Children in Late 20th and Early 21st Century Australia
  11. Decisions, Games and Markets
  12. Decken
  13. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung
  14. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung für Ingenieure
  15. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung für Krankenhäuser
  16. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung in Filialbankorganisationen
  17. Deckungsrückstellungen bei Versicherungsunternehmen nach HGB und US-GAAP
  18. Declaration of Peace for Indigenous Australians and Nature
  19. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies
  20. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies II
  21. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies III
  22. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IV
  23. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IX
  24. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies V
  25. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VI
  26. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VII
  27. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VIII
  28. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies X
  29. Declarative Models of Concurrent Cyclic Processes
  30. Declarative Networking
  31. Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management
  32. Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management
  33. Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management
  34. Declarative Programming for Knowledge Management
  35. Declarative Programming, Sasbachwalden 1991
  36. Declaring War in Early Modern Europe
  37. Decline and Prosper!
  38. Decline and Recovery in Britain’s Overseas Trade, 1873–1914
  39. Declining Hegemonical Foreign Policies of Nigeria
  40. Declining International Cooperation on Pesticide Regulation
  41. Decoding Astronomy in Art and Architecture
  42. Decoding Astronomy in Maya Art and Architecture
  43. Decoding Blockchain for Business
  44. Decoding Cardiac Electrophysiology
  45. Decoding Complexity
  46. Decoding Cultural Heritage
  47. Decoding Digital Assets
  48. Decoding Digital Consumer Behavior
  49. Decoding History
  50. Decoding Modern Consumer Societies
  51. Decoding Neural Circuit Structure and Function
  52. Decoding Political Discourse: Conceptual Metaphors and Argumentation
  53. Decoding Women’s Magazines
  54. Decoding the Antibody Repertoire
  55. Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device
  56. Decoding the Rise of China
  57. Decoherence and Entropy in Complex Systems
  58. Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory
  59. Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory
  60. Decoherence and the Quantum-To-Classical Transition
  61. Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems
  62. Decoherence: Theoretical, Experimental, and Conceptual Problems
  63. Decolonial Aesthetics I
  64. Decolonial Aesthetics II
  65. Decolonial Approaches to Latin American Literatures and Cultures
  66. Decolonial Christianities
  67. Decolonial Enactments in Community Psychology
  68. Decolonial Feminisms, Power and Place
  69. Decolonial Feminist Community Psychology
  70. Decolonial Horizons
  71. Decolonial Horizons
  72. Decolonial Judaism
  73. Decolonial Pedagogy
  74. Decolonial Puerto Rican Women's Writings
  75. Decoloniality and Epistemic Justice in Contemporary Community Psychology
  76. Decoloniality in the Grassroots and The Re-emergence of the Black Organic Intellectual
  77. Decolonisation and the British Empire, 1775–1997
  78. Decolonisation, Identity and Nation in Rhodesia, 1964-1979
  79. Decolonisations Compared
  80. Decolonise Lehrer*innenbildung
  81. Decolonising Blue Spaces in the Anthropocene
  82. Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene
  83. Decolonising Criminology
  84. Decolonising Curriculum Knowledge
  85. Decolonising English Studies from the Semi-Periphery
  86. Decolonising Peace and Conflict Studies through Indigenous Research
  87. Decolonising Public Health through Praxis
  88. Decolonising and Internationalising Geography
  89. Decolonising the History Curriculum
  90. Decolonising the Literature Curriculum
  91. Decolonization Agonistics in Postcolonial Fiction
  92. Decolonization and the French of Algeria
  93. Decolonization of Kazakhstan
  94. Decolonization of Psychiatry in Jamaica
  95. Decolonization, Sovereignty, and Peacekeeping
  96. Decolonized Approaches to Human Rights and Social Work
  97. Decolonizing African Studies Pedagogies
  98. Decolonizing Education
  99. Decolonizing Educational Assessment
  100. Decolonizing Educational Knowledge
  101. Decolonizing Educational Leadership
  102. Decolonizing Global Citizenship Education
  103. Decolonizing Grand Theories
  104. Decolonizing Indigenous Education
  105. Decolonizing International Health
  106. Decolonizing Liberation Theologies
  107. Decolonizing Palestinian Political Economy
  108. Decolonizing Philosophies of Education
  109. Decolonizing Psychoanalytic Technique
  110. Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies
  111. Decolonizing Science and Modernity in South Asia
  112. Decolonizing Theology in Revolution
  113. Decolonizing Time
  114. Decolonizing and Feminizing Freedom
  115. Decolonizing the Body of Christ
  116. Decolonizing the South African University
  117. Decolonizing the Spirit in Education and Beyond
  118. Decolonizing “Multicultural” Counseling through Social Justice
  119. Decommissioned Submarines in the Russian Northwest
  120. Decommissioning Offshore Structures
  121. Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants
  122. Decompiling Android
  123. Decompiling Java
  124. Decomposition Methods for Complex Factory Scheduling Problems
  125. Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Programming
  126. Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models
  127. Decomposition of Jacobians by Prym Varieties
  128. Decompression — Decompression Sickness
  129. Deconstructing Behavior, Choice, and Well-being
  130. Deconstructing Contemporary Chinese Art
  131. Deconstructing Derrida
  132. Deconstructing Doctoral Discourses
  133. Deconstructing Essentialism
  134. Deconstructing Ethnography
  135. Deconstructing Health Inequity
  136. Deconstructing Japan’s Image of South Korea
  137. Deconstructing LEGO
  138. Deconstructing Money Laundering Risk
  139. Deconstructing Olduvai: A Taphonomic Study of the Bed I Sites
  140. Deconstructing Scandinavia's "Achievement Generation"
  141. Deconstructing True Crime Literature
  142. Deconstructing Youth
  143. Deconstructing the Enlightenment in Spanish America
  144. Deconstructing ‘Energy Security’ in Oman
  145. Deconstruction · Derrida
  146. Deconstruction: A Critique
  147. Deconstructions
  148. Decontamination and Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
  149. Decontamination of Pesticide Residues in the Environmental
  150. Deconvolution Problems in Nonparametric Statistics
  151. Decorrelative Mollifier Gravimetry
  152. Decoupled Django
  153. Decoupled Drupal in Practice
  154. Decoupling
  155. Decoupling Control
  156. Decoupling Drupal
  157. Decreasing Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Gas Emissions in Transportation
  158. Decrypted Secrets
  159. Decrypted Secrets
  160. Decrypted Secrets
  161. Decrypted Secrets
  162. Decubitus te lijf
  163. Dedekinds Theorie der ganzen algebraischen Zahlen
  164. Dedicated Mobile Communications for High-speed Railway
  165. Deduction Systems
  166. Deduction, Computation, Experiment
  167. Deductive Software Verification – The KeY Book
  168. Deductive Software Verification: Future Perspectives
  169. Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
  170. Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
  171. Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
  172. Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
  173. Deduktive Datenbanken
  174. Deeds, Titles, and Changing Concepts of Land Rights
  175. Deep Active Learning
  176. Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 1
  177. Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 2
  178. Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 3
  179. Deep Biometrics
  180. Deep Blue
  181. Deep Brain Stimulation
  182. Deep Brain Stimulation for Neurological Disorders
  183. Deep Brain Stimulation in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
  184. Deep Breath: Die neue Achtsamkeit einer beschleunigten Gesellschaft
  185. Deep Change and Emergent Structures in Global Society
  186. Deep Cognitive Networks
  187. Deep Convolutional Neural Network for The Prognosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
  188. Deep Crustal Structure of the Son-Narmada-Tapti Lineament, Central India
  189. Deep Customer Value
  190. Deep Dive into Power Automate
  191. Deep Drama
  192. Deep Drilling in Crystalline Bedrock
  193. Deep Earth Electrical Conductivity
  194. Deep Electromagnetic Exploration
  195. Deep Energy Retrofit
  196. Deep Energy Retrofit Guide for Public Buildings
  197. Deep Energy Retrofit—A Guide for Decision Makers
  198. Deep Energy Retrofit—Case Studies
  199. Deep Eutectic Solvents
  200. Deep Eutectic Solvents for Medicine, Gas Solubilization and Extraction of Natural Substances