24723 publications

  1. Defence Applications of Multi-Agent Systems
  2. Defence Industry Applications of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  3. Defence Nuclear Waste Disposal in Russia: International Perspective
  4. Defence and Consensus
  5. Defence from Floods and Floodplain Management
  6. Defence under Thatcher
  7. Defending Albion
  8. Defending Checks and Balances in EU Member States
  9. Defending Copernicus and Galileo
  10. Defending Culture
  11. Defending Descartes in Brandenburg-Prussia
  12. Defending Europe
  13. Defending French in Flanders, 1873–1974
  14. Defending Hypatia
  15. Defending India
  16. Defending IoT Infrastructures with the Raspberry Pi
  17. Defending Life
  18. Defending Your Brand
  19. Defending the American Presidency
  20. Defending the Undefendable III
  21. Defense Against Biological Attacks
  22. Defense Against Biological Attacks
  23. Defense Conversion Strategies
  24. Defense Economics
  25. Defense Industries: Science and Technology Related to Security: Impact of Conventional Munitions on Environment and Population
  26. Defense Mechanisms of Woody Plants Against Fungi
  27. Defense against Bioterror
  28. Defense and Recognition in the Climate Crisis
  29. Defense and the Environment: Effective Scientific Communication
  30. Defense of Mucosal Surfaces: Pathogenesis, Immunity and Vaccines
  31. Defensive (anti-herbivory) Coloration in Land Plants
  32. Defensive Expectations
  33. Defensive Publishing
  34. Defensive ohne Alternative
  35. Deference to the Administration in Judicial Review
  36. Deferrals of Domain
  37. Defiant Dictatorships
  38. Defiant Itineraries
  39. Deficit
  40. Deficit
  41. Deficit Irrigation
  42. Deficits in EU and US Mandatory Environmental Information Disclosure
  43. Defining Crime
  44. Defining Democracy
  45. Defining Democracy in a Digital Age: Political Support on Social Media
  46. Defining Enterprise Data and Analytics Strategy
  47. Defining International Terrorism
  48. Defining Islamic Statehood
  49. Defining Literary Criticism
  50. Defining Literary Postmodernism for the Twenty-First Century
  51. Defining Moments
  52. Defining Physiology: Principles, Themes, Concepts
  53. Defining Physiology: Principles, Themes, Concepts. Volume 2
  54. Defining Pre-Raphaelite Poetics
  55. Defining Prevention Science
  56. Defining Street Gangs in the 21st Century
  57. Defining Technological Literacy
  58. Defining Waka Musically
  59. Defining a British State
  60. Defining an Identity
  61. Defining and Measuring Economic Resilience from a Societal, Environmental and Security Perspective
  62. Defining and Protecting Autonomous Work
  63. Defining the Limits of Outer Space for Regulatory Purposes
  64. Defining the Medical Imaging Requirements for a Rural Health Center
  65. Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis
  66. Defining ‘Eastern Europe’
  67. Definition und Berechnung der Sicherheit von Automatisierungssystemen
  68. Definition und Prüfung von Kriterien zur Bestimmung systematischer und zufälliger Fehler von Drei-Koordinaten-Meßgeräten
  69. Definitions and Definability: Philosophical Perspectives
  70. Definitions for Hardware and Software Safety Engineers
  71. Definitions, Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management
  72. Definitionsmacht und Grenzen angewandter Sozialwissenschaft
  73. Definitionsmacht, Renitenz und Abolitionismus
  74. Definitive Bahnbestimmung des Kometen 1932V (Peltier-Whipple)
  75. Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
  76. Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
  77. Deflation and Fiscal Deficits
  78. Deflationäre Depression
  79. Defoe’s Early Life
  80. Deforestation in the Teknaf Peninsula of Bangladesh
  81. Deformable Avatars
  82. Deformable Meshes for Medical Image Segmentation
  83. Deformable Models
  84. Deformable Models
  85. Deformable Registration Techniques for Thoracic CT Images
  86. Deformable Surface 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Images
  87. Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground Improvement
  88. Deformation Compatibility Control for Engineering Structures
  89. Deformation Microstructures and Mechanisms in Minerals and Rocks
  90. Deformation Microstructures in Rocks
  91. Deformation Models
  92. Deformation Processes in Minerals, Ceramics and Rocks
  93. Deformation Processes in TRIP/TWIP Steels
  94. Deformation Spaces
  95. Deformation Theory
  96. Deformation Theory of Algebras and Structures and Applications
  97. Deformation and Destruction of Materials and Structures Under Quasi-static and Impulse Loading
  98. Deformation and Failure Mechanism of Excavation in Clay Subjected to Hydraulic Uplift
  99. Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials
  100. Deformation and Flow of Polymeric Materials
  101. Deformation and Flow of Solids / Verformung und Fliessen des Festkörpers
  102. Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymer Materials
  103. Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers
  104. Deformation and Fracture of High Polymers
  105. Deformation and Fracture of Solid-State Materials
  106. Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism, and Climate Change
  107. Deformation oder Transformation?
  108. Deformation of Ceramic Materials
  109. Deformation of Ceramic Materials II
  110. Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen
  111. Deformations of Algebraic Schemes
  112. Deformations of Mathematical Structures
  113. Deformations of Mathematical Structures II
  114. Deformations of Singularities
  115. Deformations of Spacetime Symmetries
  116. Deformations of Surface Singularities
  117. Deformed Spacetime
  118. Deforming the Reform
  119. Deformity Correction in Total Knee Arthroplasty
  120. Degeneracy Graphs and Simplex Cycling
  121. Degeneracy Graphs and the Neighbourhood Problem
  122. Degenerate Diffusions
  123. Degenerate Elliptic Equations
  124. Degenerate Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
  125. Degenerate Parabolic Equations
  126. Degeneration and Regeneration in Neurons of the Cerebellum
  127. Degeneration of Abelian Varieties
  128. Degeneration, Normativity and the Gothic at the Fin de Siècle
  129. Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy and Radiculopathy
  130. Degenerative Diseases of the Cervical Spine
  131. Degenerative Diseases of the Retina
  132. Degenerative Erkrankungen der Halswirbelsäule
  133. Degenerative Gefäßerkrankungen
  134. Degenerative Retinal Diseases
  135. Degradable Aliphatic Polyesters
  136. Degradable Polymers
  137. Degradable Polymers
  138. Degradation Assessment and Failure Prevention of Pipeline Systems
  139. Degradation Phenomena on Polymeric Biomaterials
  140. Degradation Rituals
  141. Degradation Theory of Long Term Operated Materials and Structures
  142. Degradation and Stabilisation of PVC
  143. Degradation of Elastomers in Practice, Experiments and Modeling
  144. Degradation of Implant Materials
  145. Degradations and Instabilities in Geomaterials
  146. Degree Theory for Discontinuous Operators
  147. Degrees of Affinity
  148. Degrees of Belief
  149. Degrees of Unsolvability: Structure and Theory
  150. Degrowth Decolonization and Development
  151. Degrowth in the Suburbs
  152. Dehalogenation
  153. Dehnungsmessstreifen
  154. Dehnungsmessungen und ihre Auswertung
  155. Dehnungsmeßstreifentechnik
  156. Dehumanisierung der Kriegführung
  157. Dehumanization of Warfare
  158. Dehydration of Foods
  159. Dehydrogenases
  160. Dehydrogenation Reactions with 3d Metals
  161. Deichselkräfte an Lastzügen
  162. Deictic Imaginings: Semiosis at Work and at Play
  163. Dein Mutmacher bist du selbst!
  164. Dein Mutmacher bist du selbst!
  165. Dein Mutmacher bist du selbst!
  166. Dein Top-Studium
  167. Dein Weg zum Prüfungserfolg
  168. Deindustrialisation in Twentieth-Century Europe
  169. Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Romania
  170. Deine Freiheit, deine Gelassenheit
  171. Deine Freiheit, deine Gelassenheit
  172. Deine, meine, unsere Toten
  173. Deinstitutionalisation and After
  174. Deinstitutionalization and Community Living
  175. Deixis in the Early Modern English Lyric: Unsettling Spatial Anchors Like “Here,” “This,” “Come”
  176. Dekker and Heywood
  177. Dekoloniale politische Bildung
  178. Dekolonialität in der Politischen Bildung
  179. Dekolonisation
  180. Dekompression — Dekompressionskrankheit
  181. Dekonstruktion und Demokratisierung
  182. Dekonstruktion von Geschlechtsidentität — Transversale Differenzen
  183. Dekonstruktive Pädagogik
  184. Dekorrelative Gravimetrie
  185. Dekubitus
  186. Dekubitus
  187. Delamination Buckling of Composite Materials
  188. Delamination in Wood, Wood Products and Wood-Based Composites
  189. Delaware Seminar in the Foundations of Physics
  190. Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive, and PDE Systems
  191. Delay Controlled Partial Synchronization in Complex Networks
  192. Delay Differential Equations
  193. Delay Differential Equations and Applications
  194. Delay Differential Equations and Applications to Biology
  195. Delay Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
  196. Delay Effects on Stability
  197. Delay Equations
  198. Delay Equations, Approximation and Application
  199. Delay Fault Testing for VLSI Circuits
  200. Delay Systems