24432 publications

  1. Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care
  2. Physique appliquée à l’exposition externe
  3. Physique des Écoulements Continus
  4. Physisch und Psychisch in der Pathologie
  5. Physische Geographie der Meere und Küsten
  6. Physische Geographie kompakt
  7. Physisorption Kinetics
  8. Phyto and Rhizo Remediation
  9. Phyto-Microbiome in Stress Regulation
  10. PhytoPraxis
  11. PhytoPraxis
  12. PhytoPraxis
  13. PhytoPraxis
  14. PhytoPraxis
  15. PhytoPraxis
  16. PhytoPraxis
  17. PhytoPraxis
  18. Phytobiomes: Current Insights and Future Vistas
  19. Phytobiont and Ecosystem Restitution
  20. Phytocannabinoids
  21. Phytochemical Adaptations to Stress
  22. Phytochemical Diversity and Redundancy in Ecological Interactions
  23. Phytochemical Effects of Environmental Compounds
  24. Phytochemical Genomics
  25. Phytochemical Methods
  26. Phytochemical Methods
  27. Phytochemical Potential of Tropical Plants
  28. Phytochemical Resources for Medicine and Agriculture
  29. Phytochemical Signals and Plant-Microbe Interactions
  30. Phytochemicals Targeting Tumor Microenvironment in Gastrointestinal Cancers
  31. Phytochemicals in Human Health Protection, Nutrition, and Plant Defense
  32. Phytochemicals – Biosynthesis, Function and Application
  33. Phytochemicals, Plant Growth, and the Environment
  34. Phytochemicals, Signal Transduction, and Neurological Disorders
  35. Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants
  36. Phytochemistry: An in-silico and in-vitro Update
  37. Phytochrome Properties and Biological Action
  38. Phytochromes
  39. Phytoecdysteroids
  40. Phytohormones and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants
  41. Phytohormones in Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture
  42. Phytohormones: A Window to Metabolism, Signaling and Biotechnological Applications
  43. Phytolith Systematics
  44. Phytonanotechnology
  45. Phytopharmaka
  46. Phytopharmaka II
  47. Phytopharmaka III
  48. Phytopharmaka IV
  49. Phytopharmaka V
  50. Phytopharmaka VI
  51. Phytopharmaka VII
  52. Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung
  53. Phytopharmaka-Report
  54. Phytopharmaka-Report
  55. Phytoplankton Ecology
  56. Phytoplankton Ecology
  57. Phytoplankton Whispering: An Introduction to the Physiology and Ecology of Microalgae
  58. Phytoplankton and Equilibrium Concept: The Ecology of Steady-State Assemblages
  59. Phytoplankton and Trophic Gradients
  60. Phytoplankton in Turbid Environments: Rivers and Shallow Lakes
  61. Phytoplankton responses to human impacts at different scales
  62. Phytoplasma
  63. Phytoplasmas
  64. Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - I
  65. Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - II
  66. Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - III
  67. Phytoremediation
  68. Phytoremediation
  69. Phytoremediation
  70. Phytoremediation
  71. Phytoremediation
  72. Phytoremediation
  73. Phytoremediation
  74. Phytoremediation
  75. Phytoremediation
  76. Phytoremediation
  77. Phytoremediation
  78. Phytoremediation Potential of Bioenergy Plants
  79. Phytoremediation Rhizoremediation
  80. Phytoremediation and Biofortification
  81. Phytoremediation for Environmental Sustainability
  82. Phytoremediation for Green Energy
  83. Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Sites in China
  84. Phytoremediation of Metal-Contaminated Soils
  85. Phytoremediation: Role of Aquatic Plants in Environmental Clean-Up
  86. Phytosequestration
  87. Phytosociology of the Beech (Fagus) Forests in East Asia
  88. Phytotherapy
  89. Phytothérapie anti-infectieuse
  90. Phytotoxicity of Nanoparticles
  91. Phytotoxins and Plant Pathogenesis
  92. PhÅnomenologie Der Schwachen Phantasie
  93. Phänomen Let´s Play-Video
  94. Phänomen Luxusmarke
  95. Phänomen Mozart
  96. Phänomen Toyota
  97. Phänomene der Atmosphäre
  98. Phänomene der Erziehung und Bildung. Phänomenologisch-pädagogische Studien
  99. Phänomene der Wirklichkeit
  100. Phänomenologie
  101. Phänomenologie Des Naturrechts
  102. Phänomenologie Heute
  103. Phänomenologie der Assoziation
  104. Phänomenologie der Dienstleistungsqualität
  105. Phänomenologie der Gewalt
  106. Phänomenologie der Mathematik
  107. Phänomenologie des Leibes und der Leiblichkeit bei Marc Richir
  108. Phänomenologie des Wollens
  109. Phänomenologie und Egologie
  110. Phänomenologie und Egologie
  111. Phänomenologie und Soziologie
  112. Phänomenologie und soziale Wirklichkeit
  113. Phänomenologie und soziologische Theorie
  114. Phänomenologien der Identität
  115. Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft von ihren Anfängen bis heute
  116. Phänomenologische Modellierung der Dieselverbrennung auf homogenem Grundgemisch
  117. Phänomenologische Modellierung der stationären und transienten Stickoxidemissionen am Dieselmotor
  118. Phänomenologische Rheologie
  119. Phénoménologie de L’expérience
  120. Phénoménologie de la religion et herméneutique théologique dans la pensée du jeune Heidegger
  121. Phénoménologie transcendantale
  122. Phönix, Wiener und Berliner
  123. Pi
  124. Pi
  125. Pi und Co.
  126. Pi und Co.
  127. Pi und die Primzahlen
  128. Pi — Unleashed
  129. Pi: A Source Book
  130. Pi: A Source Book
  131. Pi: A Source Book
  132. Pi: The Next Generation
  133. Piaget and His School
  134. Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century
  135. Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology for Mathematics Education Research
  136. Pianeti tra le note
  137. Pica in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
  138. Pichia Protocols
  139. Pichia Protocols
  140. Pichlmayrs Chirurgische Therapie
  141. Pick Up and Oocyte Management
  142. Picornaviruses
  143. Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics
  144. Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics II
  145. Picosecond Phenomena
  146. Picosecond Phenomena II
  147. Picosecond Phenomena III
  148. Picroilmenite in Kimberlites and Titanomagnetites of the Yakutian Diamond-Bearing Province
  149. Pictorial Data Analysis
  150. Pictorial Information Systems
  151. Pictorial Information Systems in Medicine
  152. Pictorial Law
  153. Pictorial and Formal Aspects of Shape and Shape Grammars
  154. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Medicine
  155. Picture Engineering
  156. Picture Processing and Digital Filtering
  157. Picture Processing and Digital Filtering
  158. Picture This!
  159. Pictures and their Use in Communication
  160. Pictures of Ascent in the Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
  161. Pictures of the Tropics
  162. Pictures, Images, and Conceptual Change
  163. Picturing Ecology
  164. Picturing Research
  165. Picturing the Primitive
  166. Pie-Sharing zwischen Entwicklungspartnern
  167. Pieces and Parts in Scientific Texts
  168. Piecewise Constant Orthogonal Functions and Their Application to Systems and Control
  169. Piecewise Deterministic Processes in Biological Models
  170. Piecewise Linear Control Systems
  171. Piecewise Linear Modeling and Analysis
  172. Piecewise-smooth Dynamical Systems
  173. Piercing of Materials with Abrasive Water Jet
  174. Piero Gobetti and the Politics of Liberal Revolution
  175. Piero Sraffa
  176. Pierre Bayle
  177. Pierre Bayle
  178. Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture
  179. Pierre Bourdieu: Pädagogische Lektüren
  180. Pierre Bourdieus Konzeption des Habitus
  181. Pierre Curie
  182. Pierre Gassendi
  183. Pierre Loti and the Oriental Woman
  184. Pierre Musso and the Network Society
  185. Pierre Nicole, Jansenist and Humanist
  186. Pierre Werner and Europe
  187. Pierre-Daniel Huet (1630–1721) and the Skeptics of his Time
  188. Pietro Blaserna and the Birth of the Institute of Physics in Rome
  189. Piety, Peace, and the Freedom to Philosophize
  190. Piezo-Active Composites
  191. Piezo-Active Composites
  192. Piezo-Electric Electro-Acoustic Transducers
  193. Piezo-Particulate Composites
  194. Piezoceramic Sensors
  195. Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics
  196. Piezoelectric Actuators and Generators for Energy Harvesting
  197. Piezoelectric Ceramic Resonators
  198. Piezoelectric MEMS Resonators
  199. Piezoelectric Materials: Advances in Science, Technology and Applications
  200. Piezoelectric Multilayer Beam Bending Actuators