24432 publications

  1. Placenta
  2. Placenta Accreta Spectrum
  3. Placenta and Trophoblast
  4. Placenta and Trophoblast
  5. Placenta as a Model and a Source
  6. Placental Function Tests
  7. Placental Proteins
  8. Placental Vascularization and Blood Flow
  9. Placentation in Mammals
  10. Places
  11. Places of Excellence
  12. Places of Memory and Legacies in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization
  13. Places of Memory: The Case of the House of the Wannsee Conference
  14. Places of Traumatic Memory
  15. Placing Disability
  16. Placing Property
  17. Placing the Modern Chinese Vernacular in Transnational Literature
  18. Placing the Public in Public Health in Post-War Britain, 1948–2012
  19. Plague Image and Imagination from Medieval to Modern Times
  20. Plague and Other Yersinia Infections
  21. Plague, Population and the English Economy 1348–1530
  22. Plague-Making and the AIDS Epidemic: A Story of Discrimination
  23. Plague: The Ecology of Natural Foci
  24. Plagues and Politics
  25. Plains Vizcachas
  26. Plakatschrift
  27. Plan Prediction
  28. Plan Your Financial Future
  29. Plan Your Financial Future
  30. Plan Your Own Estate
  31. Plan to Turn Your Company Around in 90 Days
  32. Plan to Win
  33. Plan- und Marktsteuerung in der Unternehmung
  34. Plan-Based Control of Robotic Agents
  35. Planar Cell Polarity
  36. Planar Circuits for Microwaves and Lightwaves
  37. Planar Double-Gate Transistor
  38. Planar Ising Correlations
  39. Planar Maps, Random Walks and Circle Packing
  40. Planar Metamaterial Based Microwave Sensor Arrays for Biomedical Analysis and Treatment
  41. Planar Processing Primer
  42. Planar Spiral Inductors, Planar Antennas and Embedded Planar Transformers
  43. Planar Waveguide Optical Sensors
  44. Planar Waveguides and other Confined Geometries
  45. Planarian Regeneration
  46. Planbasierte Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in multimodalen Assistenzsystemen
  47. Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology
  48. Planctomycetes: Cell Structure, Origins and Biology
  49. Plane Algebraic Curves
  50. Plane Algebraic Curves
  51. Plane Answers to Complex Questions
  52. Plane Answers to Complex Questions
  53. Plane Answers to Complex Questions
  54. Plane Answers to Complex Questions
  55. Plane Answers to Complex Questions
  56. Plane Elastic Systems
  57. Plane Elastic Systems
  58. Plane Finite Elements for Two-Dimensional Problems
  59. Plane Networks and their Applications
  60. Plane Waves and Spherical Means
  61. Plane and Solid Geometry
  62. Planen für autonome Montageroboter
  63. Planen in Stadt und Land
  64. Planen mit Tageslicht
  65. Planen und Auswerten von Versuchen
  66. Planen und Auswerten von Versuchen
  67. Planen und Bauen im neuen Deutschland
  68. Planen und Handeln
  69. Planen – Bauen –Umwelt
  70. Planen, Entwickeln, Verhandeln
  71. Planerische Möglichkeiten für einen humanen Stadtverkehr. Schrägseilbrücken — Beispiele und Entwicklungstendenzen im modernen Stahlbrückenbau
  72. Planet Earth, Past and Present
  73. Planet Earth: Scientific Proposals to Solve Urgent Issues
  74. Planet Forex
  75. Planet Mercury
  76. Planetary Accounting
  77. Planetary Aeronomy
  78. Planetary Atmospheres
  79. Planetary Atmospheres and Urban Society After Fukushima
  80. Planetary Atmospheric Electricity
  81. Planetary Cartography and GIS
  82. Planetary Defense
  83. Planetary Exploration and Science: Recent Results and Advances
  84. Planetary Geology
  85. Planetary Giant Impacts
  86. Planetary Hinterlands
  87. Planetary Landscapes
  88. Planetary Magnetism
  89. Planetary Nebulae
  90. Planetary Nebulae
  91. Planetary Nebulae
  92. Planetary Nebulae
  93. Planetary Nebulae
  94. Planetary Nebulae
  95. Planetary Nebulae Beyond the Milky Way
  96. Planetary Nebulae and How to Observe Them
  97. Planetary Passport
  98. Planetary Praxis & Pedagogy
  99. Planetary Ring Systems
  100. Planetary Rovers
  101. Planetary Spacecraft Navigation
  102. Planetary Systems
  103. Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection
  104. Planetary Vistas
  105. Planetary and Interstellar Processes Relevant to the Origins of Life
  106. Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae: From IRAS to ISO
  107. Planeten Monde Ringsysteme
  108. Planetologie extrasolarer Planeten
  109. Planets Outside the Solar System: Theory and Observations
  110. Planets in Binary Star Systems
  111. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems
  112. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems
  113. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems
  114. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems
  115. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems
  116. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems
  117. Planewaves, Pseudopotentials and the LAPW Method
  118. Planewaves, Pseudopotentials and the LAPW Method
  119. Planimetrie
  120. Planimetrie
  121. Planimetrie
  122. Planimetrie
  123. Planimetrie
  124. Planimetrie
  125. Planimetrie
  126. Planimetrie
  127. Planimetrie
  128. Planimetrie
  129. Planimetrie mit einem Abriß über die Kegelschnitte
  130. Planimetrie mit einem Abriß über die Kegelschnitte
  131. Plankosten, Deckungsbeiträge und Budgets
  132. Plankostenrechnung
  133. Plankostenrechnung
  134. Planktic Foraminifers in the Modern Ocean
  135. Planktologie
  136. Plankton Ecology
  137. Plankton Ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic
  138. Plankton Regulation Dynamics
  139. Planmatig zorg verlenen
  140. Planned Violence
  141. Planning Based on Decision Theory
  142. Planning Better Cities
  143. Planning Chinese Characters
  144. Planning Cities in Africa
  145. Planning Cities with Nature
  146. Planning Climate Smart and Wise Cities
  147. Planning Demand-Driven Disassembly for Remanufacturing
  148. Planning Estuaries
  149. Planning Inclusive Yachts
  150. Planning Indian Megacity Regions
  151. Planning Japan’s Economic Future
  152. Planning London for the Post-War Era 1945-1960
  153. Planning Patient Care
  154. Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise
  155. Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise
  156. Planning Public Spending in the UK
  157. Planning Stability in Material Requirements Planning Systems
  158. Planning Strategies of Intracranial Microsurgery
  159. Planning Support Science for Smarter Urban Futures
  160. Planning Support Systems Best Practice and New Methods
  161. Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities
  162. Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development
  163. Planning Support Systems in Practice
  164. Planning Theory
  165. Planning Universal On-Road Driving Strategies for Automated Vehicles
  166. Planning and Analyzing Clinical Trials with Composite Endpoints
  167. Planning and Architectural Design of Integrated Services Digital Networks
  168. Planning and Architectural Design of Modern Command Control Communications and Information Systems
  169. Planning and Care for Children and Adolescents with Dental Enamel Defects
  170. Planning and Control of Expandable Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems
  171. Planning and Control of Maintenance Systems
  172. Planning and Decision Making for Aerial Robots
  173. Planning and Design Perspectives for Land Take Containment
  174. Planning and Designing Clinical Research
  175. Planning and Designing Effective Metrics
  176. Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes
  177. Planning and Ecology
  178. Planning and Ecology
  179. Planning and Implementing your Final Year Project — with Success!
  180. Planning and Information Systems for Job Allocation
  181. Planning and Learning by Analogical Reasoning
  182. Planning and Managing Sustainability in Tourism
  183. Planning and Market Relations
  184. Planning and Market in Soviet and East European Thought, 1960s–1992
  185. Planning and Operation of Active Distribution Networks
  186. Planning and Operation of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids
  187. Planning and Operation of Multi-Carrier Energy Networks
  188. Planning and Operation of Plug-In Electric Vehicles
  189. Planning and Politics in Western Europe
  190. Planning and Reduction Technique in Fracture Surgery
  191. Planning and Reporting in BI-supported Controlling
  192. Planning and Roadmapping Technological Innovations
  193. Planning and Scheduling for Maritime Container Yards
  194. Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services
  195. Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services
  196. Planning and Socioeconomic Applications
  197. Planning and the Case Study Method in Africa
  198. Planning for Cities in Crisis
  199. Planning for Community Resilience
  200. Planning for Data Communications